Feb 11, 2006 11:53
A certain fellow Cardozo-ite (Cardozo-er… Cardozian…??) asked me if I blogged (Hi, Josh!) and then I remembered that I did. Or at least ostensibly did. Technically. Not much time for silly pursuits such as this anymore. Or silly pursuits such as sleep.
Yeah, school is… school. We added two more classes (Criminal Law, and Constitutional Law), which makes it a grand total of 5 actual classes plus Legal Writing. So I guess 6 classes. And people wonder why I have so much work. I keep hearing these stories about kids at other law schools who are only taking 4 or 5 classes total, and I kind of want to kick them in the shins.
I have been going out a lot though. Every Friday and Saturday since I got back to the city. Which is a lot of going out for me. I keep saying that I just want to stay in, but people don’t let me. But it’s cool. Having friends who want to hang out with you is cool. Except certain people who live in certain towns on Long Island/ grew up in certain towns on Long Island (coughBaldwincough) don’t come in to see me often enough. SO not feeling the love here, boys.
I did this Public Interest Law Career Fair thing Thursday and Friday, and I had two interviews through there. The one Thursday I thought was OK, until I talked to my mom, who basically told me that it sounded like I was unprepared (crazyjewishmotherswhat?). But, I had one on Friday, with a Domestic Violence Law organization in Brooklyn (I actually worked with them a bit when I was at Legal Aid back in the day), and it rocked. Like, hard core rocking. It was the Guns ‘n’ Roses of interviews. And when I was over at the Cardozo dorm watching the guys play poker, they called, and I have a second interview on Monday! Woot.
So yeah, life is generally good. I think I am going shopping today, which makes life even better, of course. I’m such a girl. My apartment is messy - I should do something about that. I will be home Saturday morning of President’s weekend, probably just until Sunday.
I am happy. Ish. Which is cool. But my feet are cold.