So tired...

May 19, 2005 09:20

This morning at 8 am I was trying to sleep, even though my allergies are killingme because I have somehow become completely allergic to Long Island. But, there is this truck in my coul-de-sac at my neighbors house. It has that stupid backup-beeping noise. For some unknown reason, the truck needs to back up every four seconds. Then, the truck decides to blow its horn a bunch of times. Like... an air horn.

Moral of the story: I gave up on sleep.

I've been on LI since Monday. Basically, I've shopped, slept, and watched TV. I bought another pair of flip flops, a bag, and a really cute bathing suit for Florida. It's a bikini. I'm not used to so much of my torso showing... I never actually realized how long my torso was until now.

I think I am going shopping with my mom again today, too.

Wow... I am on LI for less than a week, and I have fully embraced its lifestyle. I miss NYC.
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