Aug 02, 2008 23:22
Interesting question with an different sort of answer. The avatar is pretty straightforward...I run, therefore I am. However, my given name is a different story.
My grandfather used to be the head of the Allegany Fair Board, so he would be the one arranging for various circus acts and dance troupes to come in to perform at the grandstand. I've lost count of the number of performers than my family counts as "friends", but it includes most of the original cast for the Lawrence Welk Show, as well as those from the Mickey Mouse Club, not to mention animal acts from the circus circuits.
Anyhow, fair week was around the time that my mother became pregnant with me. One of the acts that year was a dance troupe who specialized in a vaudeville style burlesque act. It wasn't actual stripping, but there was a lot of feathers and suggestion involved. Mom thought one of the dancers, a "Debra Louise" was cute. So, when I was born about nine months later...I got named after a stripper, err, dancer.
And people wonder why I almost ran away with the circus (yes, that almost happened, but that's another story for another evening)....
writer's block