Feb 22, 2010 23:00
- 12:57 LOL! @gdwessel Flattery RT: @dj_bg: Follow @gdwessel. I'd hate to have him mad at me, tweets are scary when you step out of line. #
- 13:02 Tell Congress: Pass a good heathcare bill - including a public option - not a bipartisan one. bit.ly/dCwoTs @CREDOmobile Pls RT #
- 13:11 RT @npca Should we really be placing this burden on the understaffed Park Service? bit.ly/a34oTY #GunsInParks #nationalparks #
- 18:20 The healthcare summit Obama's hosting on Thursday? You can watch it live. www.whitehouse.gov/health-care-meeting/bipartisan-meeting #
- 18:23 Why so important? Obama can call out GOP lies out for everyone to see! motherjones.com/mojo/2010/02/ask-white-house-are-gopers-liars #
- 21:45 Dick Cheney's hospitalized wsith chest pains. No comment necessary. #
- 21:56 I don't care who he'sgoing to have on his show. I'm still never going to watch Jay Leno. #
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