Happy Bday Jordan, Signatures and back home..

Feb 11, 2006 00:30

Great Bday. Nothing spectacular or out of this wonderful. Just..solid. Solid would be the word to describe it. Never have I had friends come through so much when it came to my BDay. I mean straight up, my friends from home got taken to school in a metaphorical way, in regards to celebrating my birthday.

Had a great meal last night, hung out at Knight, went and watched Knight Hall play IM basketball, hung in the Grille, went and played well in a game against the PHA's ( We got smoked. ) then came back here. Today, had class, got a 78 on my greek test, ate lunch, chilled, napped, went to the house, came back and am just chilling. Solid.

Made a big mistake yesterday night. No regrets? Bah.

Glad to be going home to Bandit, good friends, family and Joes on Sunday. MMmmm.

Music. Gotta love it.
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