Oct 02, 2005 17:05
Ok I could not be happier than I have been the past 3 days. after tai chi class I saw this friend of mine, so I decided to go say hi. I also got to meet one of his friends named alex. well we are all talking, about classes I believe when I said I am afraid of the dark, well Alex offers to walk me back to the dorms after my night class, so I say that would be cool. so after class he walks me back from my class and it is awesome. I asked him how he was getting home and he said a friend may be picking him up. then I offered to give him a ride home. he caved in finally, but before he got out of the car I asked him for his phone number, and I did this because I thought he was cool. he also said that he would walk my dog with me because there are 3 dogs and I only have 2 hands. well because of all of these events I am now dating alex and I will itterate myself again I could not be happier than I am right now. but anyway. I must get back to my paper!!!