And it's getting a little old, and I'm tired of this game...

Dec 16, 2003 19:47

Whoa!! In one of my deal with it fags.:-p Well I would just like to say for the record it's not sweet to be a hoe, it's not sweet to talk shit, it's not sweet to be two-faced, and it's not sweet to copy shit from other people! Can anyone be their own person, and actually not be such two faced bitches! Come on now..i love how you talk to me in school, all fine and shit like we're " friends" then talk shit..haha you're wicked sweet I must say. Don't bother talking to me if you're going to act like you're 3 seriously I don't need to surround myself with people like you. All you do is sit there and be a jackass, you're wicked immature and i don't need you're ridiculous comments, you're getting obnoxious and i'm pretty sure i don't need you at all, actually i'm not pretty sure, i know i don't need you at all. So before you open your mouth again, think before you speak, it'd do you a lot of good. How can someone be so fucking dense. You yell and bitch when really you're the one who brought all of this apon yourself. Don't fucking be a little bitch and lie about it, own up to what you did, and deal with the fact that your actions have consequences. Sometimes people don't realize that the things you do or say have reactions to them, and some of those may not be good reactions so think beofore you do things. One day you will learn, one day we'll all learn, one day too late...

Comment if you have something good to say.

BABY I <3 YOU!!!:-* muahhh
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