*start Wagner - Ride of the Valkyrie*
In the sky! Look!!! Here they come!!!
In V formation with their gallant leader honking away like a charge!!!!!
The geese have returned!
*end Wagner - Ride of the Valkyrie*
It's a been a fun sight the past three days. Indian Bend Wash park has been invaded by several gaggles of geese literally goose stepping their way in the early mornings for breakfast. i don't know where they go at night it's so quiet compared to the mornings.
Overall it's a been a boorrriiinnnggg week on cad standards - all non-billable work which sucks. There are two new potential jobs the bosses are hoping we might get but the clients are shopping around unfortunately.
i was scheduled to work on call today at William-Sonoma. Sadly they didn't need me today which is completely fine cause now i'm enjoying Ghost Hunters. Tomorrow i'm also on call. If i work great! If not then i'll be cleaning the house. Michelle's been off since Friday and has been cookin' up a storm on wonderful dinners, desserts and snacks.
Now last Friday Michelle was told that her shifts were going to be reduced at Wildflower and that she was being switched from salary to hourly. Eight managers and several shift leaders were fired the day before. Then yesterday Michelle got a call wanting her back on full time and salary cause they lost more managers that didn't want to work part time. Michelle argued what about the 4 days she was off and that she should get reimbursed for that. She got her way. Wildflower is going to pay her! Now she's back at work and i'm home surrounded with pirate love.
Speaking of the pirates we had to take them all to the vet Monday. We've been having a major problem with the two boys puking up their food. Maya was completely fine. They needed their shots as well. Turns out all three are in great shape but we had to change their cat food to a different protein. Turns out that was no easy task as the main ingredient in nearly every brand was chicken. We did eventually find a brand that was salmon based and so far so good even though their food bowl is a mix of the new and old. Was sooo sad to see how lethargic they were for the past two days after their shots though. Poor guys were all stressed out after leaving the pirate ship for the schooner ride to the vet's place less then a mile away. Their vet is fantastic. We wish he could be our doctor cause we like him so much.
Arrr, fer piracy! Dr. B with little miss Maya as she looks back to Cap'n Jack as he sits in the sink keepin' an eye on his first mate. Arrr! Pssst, wanna hear
Maya's theme song?