Mar 29, 2011 23:50
There's a phrase, "With great Power comes great Responsibility". That resonates very true right now. I write this as the title suggests via the pov of the subconious weight associated with being responsibile for the procreation of the human species. This gem of age old wisdom has been forgotten for how long? Too long. The little girls of today or yesterday in my case are the left behinds.
Our mothers and grandmothers were the trail blazers and frontier makers of the Women's Rights Campaigns. They were the ones who showed the rest of the world what a women could do when their man was out waging war. That's right. On top of raising the kids and keeping the house up it was the women who shoulders this great nation stood on in those desperate times. They were strong, capable, fearless women who in addition to making artillery shells shelled up their true feminine.
There are many other variables which contributed to the materialization and marketization of woman. From the medical community taking away our biologically driven, unmatched capability to birth babies for thousands of years, through to the industrialization and breakout of the "stay at home mom" archtype, right down to todays idolization and iconization of the fashion industry. Much of the media today is targeted at the younger generation. The ones who need support, guidance and community.
This is the very concept which has fallen through the cracks for the last three generations. A community of women whose role is it to help guide and support young women through the navigation of adolescence and adulthood. A group who shares it's knowledge of expereinces tried and tested. Stories from those who have seen far beyond the years of high school and into that ever changing destination called life.
Being graced with the opportunity to share freely about topics of life such as sex, intimacy, relationship, motherhood, death, divorce etc with others who have direct experience with them. Through Re-connecting as a member of something so vital, soulfull and enhancing, we can expereince sacred strength, confidance, apprecitation, determination and embodiment of the divine feminine.
This comradere has been known as 'women of the well', a 'knitting bee', 'girls night'. Yet much of the very essential topics of conversation seem to be taboo for even girls night. Almost as though, we want to simply "forget" rather than being honest and getting your shite straight. It's relieving to finally understand that you are not alone. That the communication travesty is far from rare. Men really are from another planet.
Why is this of interest to me? Because I am women? No. Because I lacked this as a young woman. Although, I had the enormous blessing of expereincing this kind of sharing power as an adult. It is awesome. From bi-monthly women's gatherings, to one-on-one group work, to mother-in-laws wise and comforting words. Why does the word "mother-in-law" connect with so much negativity? How and why have we allowed ourselves to be splintered so violently by the male specie? For too long now we have listened. For too long now we have stood idoly by and watched as our mothers, sisters, aunties, counsins, grandmothers and selves bought into the belief we are not to be trusted.
We have been told through media blitz women are not to trust other women. They are in it to steal your man. Our society is hurt because we have been the left behinds fending for ourselves in this dog eat dog world. We've been doing the best we can with what we've had. But these are desperate times. We as women have the power and responsibility of procreation. It is in our make up and bombarded into our psyches at the youngest of ages. This sexual power has been molested and turned into something adobe shoped beyond ridiculous. Industry sells us our inner beauty as though it was a missing child on the side of a milk container.
I write this because as a women I am constantly aware of my reproductive capabilities. I want to state a factual percentage but lacking the verifyable data I'll say a large portion don't even know what their body does when ovulating, let alone how there's a lunar ovulation cycle that through personal experience is just as spot on as the hormonal one. After getting pregnant in 2009 and choosing the abortion route (pill first option forced secondary suction procedure), it's been an interesting path bath on the perverbial horse. And now it got spooked, reared and threw me off in the dirt.
NuvaRing has been my best friend this last month. The most care free sex filled month I've had in years! Never an issue. Well maybe sex the first time but after that smooth sailing. Smoothing sailing until last night. It was then while I was warming myself up so I could spring on hubby as he returned with a warm load of laundry, that I went to adjust and to my surprise NuvaRing is MIA!! Yup yup yup. Talk about mood killer. Oh, but that was far from the punchline of this glorious joke. Nope. The punch goes something like I had no idea and I'm walking into my peak cycle like it was Black Friday at Costco.
What truly gets me is that even with birth control no matter what form - natural timing, pill, paraguard, ring, whatever - women ultimately are the ones who become burdened through always being tied into that awareness, concern, worry. I feel men have it sooo easy. They have the ability to become arosed, climax and recharge before a women can say what phase is the moon in tonight? I feel many lack the forsight to even comprehend what it is we women calculate or are aware of 24/7. I mean, especially for those in the natural timing and those who are aware of the lunar cycle.
For the lunarly ingnorant. Studies have shown that women have the ability to spontaneously release eggs during the same phase of the moon as at the time of birth. Over 85% of women studied were found to have achieved pregnancy after they had sex only during their lunar ovulation times, even when those times are during menstration. This may be hard to imagine but there is a way to prove this at home. My husband was showing signs before we were aware of their associations.
That all being said, as women, we are unable to aviod it. We are unable to hide away and take a vacation from our ovaries. To be lost in wild inhibitions for days, weeks, months on end like our male counterparts. We always know. We always are plugged into that very deep wisdom. And while I had a fleeting belief I was free from the all pervasive mind control of procreation, the turth is, it is our responsibility to embrace that power and harness it for the good of all human kind.
women issues,
birth control