Mar 29, 2009 12:17

okay, so once again i'm posting about the current American congressional debacle which threatens the rest of the world with these bills being 'fast tracked' through legislation while there is no media coverage, no debate scheduled and all committee meetings are closed.

what's left? US!

I know many of you have friends here in the US, ones that are passionate about good food, happy food, and happy health. Please post this where they can take the opportunity to do something about it.... two simple clicks and a phone call. easy as...


URGENT: Act Today to Protect  Food Safety Agency From Monsanto Operative!
So sure are they of victory that the President of change is about to appoint Michael Taylor, a lawyer for, and former executive at Monsanto, to head the empowered "food (sic)k safety (sic)k" agency.

this link below takes to the sign this petition to President Obama:

When Natural Solutions Foundation led health freedom advocates to make "Health Freedom is Our First Freedom" one of the Top Ten Social Issues on Change.org and the issue was accepted by your Official Presidential Briefing Book on Change.gov, we had hoped for positive change from Washington.

Instead we are getting politics worse than usual with bills being "fast-tracked" in Congress [HR 875 and 759, S 425] that appear to be about "food (sic) safety (sic)" but which really threaten the survival of home gardens, family farms and ranches, natural and organic products, including dietary supplements.

And then we heard that you want to appoint Michael Taylor to head food safety. Mr. Taylor has a long record as an agent of powerful Agra Biz Corporate interests, notably those of the biotechnology sector, who do not want real change. Appointing him to this position is an affront to everyone who is concerned about meaningful food safety.

We say "No!" to the appointment of any people, like Mr. Taylor, who have contributed to the problem. We oppose the appointment of anyone who has a history of support for the "Bigs" - Big Pharma, Big Agra, since the interests of those industries stand in direct opposition to health and well-being for the general populace.

You promised us "change we can believe in" - please do not deliver politics even worse than usual.

and this one:

is for congress to help small, organic and personal farms be protected from any future rules through an amendment of the 'Food Safety Modernization Act'

growlings at the government, rallying

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