this four year cycle

Sep 12, 2008 23:36

so a year after the initial split and six months after hitting the rock bottom of my perception of him, while i can't explain how, my ex and i are actually good. the circle is happily closed for now and i can't tell you how good it feels. what a crazy four years it's been....

think back to four years ago and come up with shapes of the year. what where you playing with in your life? now fast forward to now, can you see any resemblance? the situations might be very similar or differnt but the underlying theme is the same.

for me, it was a traveling year. i went to italy, came home, then flew to australia in october. talk about full circle eh? so four years after my initial leaving and three years since my 'forced return' i am going home. this time by choice. taking care of my business and the details of what i can accomplish just because not because of some other external variable which makes me feel obligated to do soemthing about the situation. my life is continuusly in the throws of death to itself and i can now observe with compassion those aspects of the lessons which my family dynamics have continued to bring forth but i was unready to accept. as a continued reflection these next three months with contain the most dramatic total transformation i have yet to experience.

i knew at the begining of the year september was going to be big but i had no inclination it would be leading me to this very moment. body mind soul emotion persception intelegence all working in the highest harmony of symphonic wonder.

this is the third consecutive Samhain i have experienced family gathered around a hearth sharing food, stories, companionship and love, each one a well harmonized diversity of family. this one coming pertains to the pre me days of the me which is me and was exuding me and who is being created in the now. those family which i have not seen in a great while. so far am i now from where i once stood.

so the next month is pretty solid then after, well, grasping clouds. you see them and touch them but their just not solid enough. i mean the faguest shapes i can hold are
1)i won't be a confest. yes it's uberly small bummer but all's good
2) i'm going to do a one year apprenticeship at lau lima and then
3)get my arse over there before i turn 31 so i can
4) come for my work holiday stink and go from there...

i'd like to
a) be aon lightcrew again at rainbow serpent, sydney confest, visit some friends and stay for my brithday while in oz
b)learn how to sail (i've even found a sailor)

and when this picean moon was dark six months past blood was then upon me as it again flows, the light of the great goddess rippling in the sea. 'hail to the moon in her silver light". hail to the moon in her beloveds sight. calling forth our innocence our sensualness our essence.

here's to "dancing in our zero" and what a great zero it is
may peace be with you

reflections, life directions

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