Sep 28, 2007 08:32
rightio The owner at Dunkin Donuts called me ma'am today. I was a little horrified as he is in his late 30's and I'm only'am, seriously? I like miss. Hell, I think we should call even the older (like 75) miss, it makes a girls day. But ma'am? Seriously?
Watched Grey's last night and was hoping it would be just as good and low and behold, it was! It's taken me a bit to catch up, but alas, I love my show all over again.
So, today is one of the attorneys last days. He's been the first person since I've been here that has been let go. (aka fired for effing everything up and not caring). As one knows who reads this blog, I have had issues with the girls I work with. Yet, I did go out with them last week for drinks. A little more background, this attorney who is leaving is getting married in two weeks. The girls are all invited and all the people going out tonight (the younger associates) are invited, but I'm not invited to the wedding. Even though with their classy attitude (insert sarcasm here) they talk about the wedding I'm not invited to non-stop. Don't get me wrong, I'm not offended or hurt by this in the least. Quite frankly his office is the one I'm going to be going for if/when I graduate law school. He also is everything I can't stand in that he's lazy, he doesn't care about the opportunities our bosses have given him, he makes my life harder in that he bills for something and I wind up doing it all over again and can't bill for it. So, no, I'm not offended. I just think it's a little rude for them to KNOW I wasn't invited and talk about it in front of me. I digress, though.
The girls planned for everyone to go out for drinks tonight for his last day. They planned this three days ago. They were talking about it at lunch yesterday and almost like 'crap, does she have to come' told me everyone was going. It wasn't necessarily an invite but a 'I guess since your at the table we'll tell you'.
NOW, my thing is, I don't particularly want to go. This weekend is my birthday weekend and tomorrow night is my fun little gathering in the city. The Rangers play the Islanders again and that's a pretty awesome game to watch on daddo's new tv. So I'm thinking, of no, I'm not going and dealing with all the petty bull shit and quite frankly, besides one or two of the associates, I don't particularly care about anyone of them. Let alone want to spend my time with them.
However, would I look like bitch o' the year if I didn't go?
I just want it to be Saturday when I can be with the people who I REALLY REALLY adore....ya know?
should i go...should i go home?