Johnny Cash at Sanquentin is on tv right now. He kept switching back and forth between harmonicas during Orange Blossom Special, pretty neat. The season finale of Curb Your Enthusiams comes on tonight.
These will finally be mine thanks to my grandparents...
I'm making a power point presentation on the gold mining industry for advance composition. The enormous amoutn of abuses are pretty well documented so plenty of material to include in the presentation. Pictures of children with mutilated skin from the toxins dumped from gold mining operations into the river that they play, fish, and bathe in. Demolished communities because they stood in the way of mining companies backed by big US business and the World Bank. Rock falls, tunnel collapses, fires, heat exhaustion, and other dangers claim the lives of over 15,000 miners every year. Each ton of gold mined costs 1 life and 12 serious injuries. Most gold comes from open pit mining in which the ground is blasted leaving craters that can be seen from earth. Seperating the gold from the ore involves cyanide which is usually dumped into local water sources. Mine companies really enjoy taking land from indigenous people since they have no legal claim to their lands. Tiffany & Co is pretty much the only jewelry company that will not buy gold from operations that violate human rights and harm the environment. Use recycled gold or buy from Tiffany and Co.