Jun 23, 2005 23:28
damnit kiley. I dont know what I'm gonna do now that i can't stay up all night talkin to you.. shit.
I feel lost now. your mom is stupid and she makes me angry. i wanted to tell you about what my dad said about Ky and being grounded and all that shit. it's totally lame. you know how he doesn't communicate well at all? well he actually fuckin wrote me a paper about it. like TYPED IT OUT. whatta fag. he couldn't even sit down with me and discuss it.. he wrote it out!! anyways here's the whole fuckin two pages of it:
End on June 30, 2005
YOU are responsible for maintaining ongoing counseling sessions.
You will finish paying for the windows.
Curfew is Midnight.
You will inform me of all plans with all persons involved.
Any change of plans or location is communicated to me immediately.
If I am unavailable to give permisson, the answer is NO.
General Rules and Expectations:
You will work on your respect for adults and those responsible for you.
I am your father. You are my daughter. My decisions are not to be ignored. Sarcasm and disrespecful communication is not appropriate.
Chores (Should be attended to daily):
Living Room
*No dishes, clothes, garbage lying around
*Books, papers etc. neatly around computer desk
*Things put away.
*Your clothes and towels hung up or put away (one towel should be enough at one time).
*Floor swept at least once a week.
*Garbage can emptied at least by Monday night.
*Toilet cleaned and scrubbed at least once a week.
*Empty dishwasher when clean
*Clean up after yourself when cooking or preparing food or drink for yourself.
*Garbage in can, dirty dishes- scrape off leftover food, put in dishwasher, sink, or neatly beside sink, food covered and put away.
Driving Permit and License:
You can apply for your permit when the windows are paid for.
You can apply for your license when you are prepared to pay for the insurance to cover yourself.
Any time that you want to drive exclusively for the purpose of practice (Nicole has offered to teach you) you will be responsible for some gasoline for her car.
Money Owed and Buying a Car:
You can apply the $300 from your savings to the windows.
We will match what you save for a car up to $1000.
If you are unable to make an insurance payment, the payment is still owed when you are able and the car will remain parked until insurance coverage is caught up. The only exception will be to drive to work or apply/interview for a new job.
You will pay for your own gas except where I give you money for gas to run errands and make trips for me.
Trip to Kentucky:
You are paying for your own ticket.
You will stay with a responsible family.
You will report tho this family in the same way you report to me.
My curfew is the same or according to the family you are staying with, whichever time is earlier.
You will contact me regularly during the trip.
You will not be alone with boys.
You are responsible for time off your job.
Now kiley... isn't this ridiculous that he had to type this out for me instead of having a conversation with me like normal kid/parent relationships??? My favorite line happens to be: "You will not be alone with boys" how the fuck would he know? gosh darn him. I hate him sometimes. But whatever. This is lame. I'm just really frustrated with him and i really want to talk to you especially to find out what's happening with you and your fam. PLEASE WHEN YOU READ THIS CALL ME SOMETIME BEFORE 2 YOUR TIME OR AFTER 5 YOUR TIME. I will be calling your house tomorrow while i'm dog sittin btw. you better fuckin answer. mmk? lol. btw i quit smoking.
well i'm off to bed now i suppose.
I love you all so much.