Jun 14, 2004 21:11
today was super fun! after driver's ed.. ek, i went to melanie's with sanja and mel got an awesome new digi! we had fun translating a crossed-out note lol, very fun, we ordered a pizza and fyi: it was good.
THEN.. i was being a loser online like i am all the time, and THEN out of nowhere my only best friend got on MSN.. and guess where she issss? MeXicO! and she wont be back till the end of july! i'm gonna miss her like nonother! i'm so sad.. hmm.. but HAPPY! lol
tomorrow i'm goin to the pool avec steveyboy and then he'll probly come over and watch a movie or tv or.. something..we'll find SOMETHING to do ;)
um yeah, i think i will go.. goodbye