Jan 23, 2009 04:06
"Everything is 'green' now.Even green burials and eco-friendly burial containers. It helps reduce our carbon footprint or whatever the heck it's called. I don't know much in this area. I was an oilman before I became a funeral home director......"
My two professors for this whole program are amazing. They have a great sense of humor, are very understanding, and they will help you with almost anything you need. His lecture notes are always filled with information like this just to make teaching a little less mundane.
I have a lot to update since I haven't written in here lately, and since for some unknown reason I'm wide awake right now at 4:08 a.m. I figured I'd go ahead and update a bit on what's been going on.
Recently, I became a godmother to Samantha and Kevin's daughter, Madyson. She's so precious! I was fortunate enough to be in the delivery room with Samantha as she gave birth. She didn't use any epidurals, and she had very little pain medication. I helped calm her down and ease her pain as much as I could. I even rubbed her legs to take her mind off of the pain. She did use a numbing solution, but that looked so damn painful. Imagine a rather large needle, say 6-8 inches long going into your....hoo-ha. Yeaaaah. The experience was surreal, and it has given me the thought of using an epidural when Fred and I have children =) Samantha did a fantastic job since this is her first child. The nurses and the doctor commented on how well she handled her labor. I can't wait to go home to see her and Madyson!
Fred and I have been married for a little over six months now, and it doesn't feel like it's been that long at all. We finally have our kitchen to where it's functional, but it still needs a ceiling and a floor. I think once we get everything together, our kitchen will look pretty darn good.
I want to keep this relatively short since I need to try to get some rest and I want to attempt to go through another lecture in one of my classes. Maybe one of these days, I'll do a longer update.