With this being my first actual post in over a year. I haven't looked at my own LJ since then. From the way it looks some things will never end. I have moved, switched phone numbers, and cut ties with a lot of people I once knew. For some of these I feel terrible. But on the other hand I had to be done to get away from the bullshit people try to add in to their every day lives to try and build something that they will never attain.
http://runix.livejournal.com/85974.html?thread=181462#t181462(if it did not link correctly just look at my posts and look at the comments from my last public post)
I wonder why Joanie/Brian put that there. For anyone who would know me, if I had a remote thought that the child was mine I would fight for custody to stop that child from being raised by her. But it is not so no one would need to worry about that.
Since I have things to do I'm going to wrap this up quick. You children need to stop worrying about other peoples lives and concentrate on your own. I made this post with hopes that you and other people could realize your stupidity. There is no point. If I haven't talked to you in a year or 2 how ever long it was, Then please keep your drama to yourselves. If you leave an idiotic comment on here, it will be ignored.
For those of you with hopes that you might have heard something from me a bit better than this, I'm sorry. Maybe another time. But I tend to stay away from LJ for this exact reason. I will not bother with other peoples drama. Especially ones that will go out of their way to put a comment on MY journal with hopes of me putting a comment back on their page going "OMG I TOTLY DDNT SAI THAT!!! EVA" or something of the nature.
But this is the reason I refuse to talk to either one of you two.
In other news, my bullshit detector was going so bad when I looked at livejournal it broke. Can someone help me fix it?