From the way it seems... I can ruin worlds without even trying.

Mar 30, 2008 00:33

So according to a phone call I got while I was still at work. I apperently ruined Brian and Tori's relationship.

I guess I'll start it off on what Tori had said to me over the phone. Supposedly she was supposed to have went to the Alano club the other night and Brian had thought she was with me.

Aside from that Tori had also told me that I speak with Joanie, And apperently I try to talk shit whenever I can to her and say strange things to her. OOOOOOHHHH well.

Finally she also said that I tried to get with Jenn after Bri broke up with her (or while he was still with her), Tried getting with Joanie while he was with her; And for some reason Brian thinks I'm trying to steal Tori away from her.

Alright just to start out:
I was at work yesterday from 4pm to 2am and after that I was in bed. So whatever wants to be said then it can be.

As far as I can remember atleast I have spoken to Joanie once since Brian had moved out of my house. And all that conversation was at work when she had ordered potato bites. She was in and out of the store. Nothing more was really said.

And finally... I'm sorry but I have never tried to go after any of Brian's garbage. At no point did I ever want Jenn. Yeah she is an alright person to talk to and all. But the only time I ever really talked to her was at work.

So from the way I'm looking at things it seems that Brian is insecure about someone who has rarely even talked to him in the past year and is afraid that I am some sort of god with women. I'm sorry but I have no interest with the people he is with. Yes I feel bad for him in his choice of girls he decides to be with. But by no means would I ever go after something he has.

So I'm going to say this very clearly.

Tori I'm glad you are with Brian. Be happy if you 2 manage to get over your insecuritys about me and leave me the hell out of your life. Hell maybe you 2 can be happy with all the drama that Joanie wants to bring into your lives.

Joanie, You can seriously stop trying to act like you know a god damned thing about me. I don't give 2 shits about you nor your relationship with Brian. I'm happy that you 2 have a kid and I certainly hope that its his for the baby's sake. Otherwise that kid would be completely retarded.

Brian. With all the shit you think I'm capable of, I actually kind of appreciate that. I sort of take it as a complement that I am so overwhelmingly powerful to take any girl you manage to get and fuck you over. But sorry you nor the girls you have been with are that fucking special to ever be graced by my presence again. I'm kind of glad that you moved out after all that shit and took Joanie out of everyones lives around here. I guess that was really taking one for the team there.

But for all 3 of you that may be thinking that I have stabbed you in the back in some way shape or form. Remember this. When people got kicked out of where you lived. Who fucking helped you? Seriously? So far all that was really recieved out of helping you fucktards was a humorous time afterwards hearing about how fucked up your lives had become and one lazy bitch who wouldn't be able to hold down a job the time she was there and 2 people leaving a room full of bloody ass tampons all over. So as far as I'm concerned, I hope none of you try to contact me again.

If anyone would like to argue this fact. Please amuse me with some comments. It will be a very fun way to pass my time.
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