I have written two very short fics about Ishimaru, because
hinas_otaku and I have decided that the boy needs some love. Both of these are gen (sorry, Frankie) but later there may be one that is not if I can get my ass in gear.
In the mean time, have some ficlets! The first is about people paying attention to Ishimaru and is rated G, and the second is about people not paying attention to Ishimaru and has Hiruma in it.
It's All Right
He wakes up every morning right on time to get breakfast for his younger siblings and to make sure the littlest ones have all their shoes and socks on-Father goes to work early and Mother won’t be awake for another half hour. No one says good morning or thanks him on the way out, but it’s all right.
He gets to school (and all of his classes) right on time and sits in the front row, having all his work completed and checked to turn in by the end of class, because there’s no need to make trouble for his teachers if he can help it. No one ever calls on him during lectures to answer a question, but it’s all right.
He gets to track club after school right on time and organizes the team, going over the season’s goals and announcing the day’s practice schedule, because he’s the captain and of course he should do his job properly. Sometimes (usually) the team disperses idly before he’s done, but it’s all right.
He gets to football practice right on time and practices diligently along with the team, and sometimes (rarely) Hiruma will kick him off his feet, or Kurita will swing him through the air, or Mamori will smile and tell him what a good job he’s doing, or Suzuna will cheer his name from the sidelines…
And it’s…it’s really all right.
Career Options
Ishimaru eats lunch with the team.
…That’s not exactly accurate. The team eats lunch together, and Ishimaru is part of the team. He’s there, certainly. People tend to forget.
Usually, he sits next to Yukimitsu and Sena and Monta. Ishimaru listens to them talk, chattering about football and homework and comic books and occasionally girls, because they don’t seem to mind that he’s there, when they notice.
And they usually don’t notice, except for one day when Ishimaru is picking through his bento and catches Yukimitsu staring at him as if he’s never seen him before. Curious, he returns the look.
“You’re really unobtrusive,” Yukimitsu says finally, and chews on a piece of carrot. Ishimaru is taken aback. But then Yukimitsu seems to catch himself, and stumbles backward over his sentence trying to correct himself. “I didn’t mean it in a bad way,” he manages finally, looking supremely embarrassed. “I just think…maybe you would make a really good spy or something.”
Ishimaru considers this. “Really?”
”Really!” Yukimitsu insists, nodding. “Sometimes I don’t realize you’re around for hours!”
Ishimaru finishes his bento and wonders if there’s any merit to this.
Later, he gets all the way into the clubhouse after hours to retrieve a left-behind pack and back to the door before Hiruma finally looks up from his laptop to ask him when the hell he got in and what the fuck he thinks he’s doing.
Ishimaru is suddenly proud.