Title: This Is Your Brain On Gotham
Fandom: Batman Beyond
Characters/Pairing: Terry/Dana, Bruce, Max
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: 8,132
Summary: The latest thorn in Batman's side makes the ill-advised decision to crash Bruce Wayne's annual charity ball, Terry's life is complicated further by the fact that homecoming is scheduled for the same evening (
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"One: I just got back from having the best sex of my young but storied life. Don't give me that look; it's relevant. Two: Dana and I are now 100% official. Three, and this one probably could have come first: Dana knows I'm Batman." Here, he paused, waiting for a reaction. None came. He pressed on. "Four, in which number one becomes significant, because you learn the most fascinating things during pillow talk: My girlfriend thinks you're distinguished."
Bruce eyebrow!communication! *Four Points of Interest* oh Terry I love you!
"That's girl code for 'I kind of want to hook up with your boss, but I don't want you to feel threatened'," Terry clarified.
"I am going to point out that one of us has a hot girlfriend and one of us doesn't," Terry said, because if nothing else, he had that
"The sun is about to come up," said Bruce, scratching Ace behind the ears. "I think that means it's time for bed."
Terry nodded, turned, and headed back up the stairs. He waited until he got to the top before driving his point home: "For you, maybe. Personally, I think I'll go get laid again."
I don't know if you can tell, but I am flailing all over the place in my joy at stumbling upon this today. What would I do if I hadn't serendipitously checked CS_news?
EVERYTHING WAS AWESOME. Why can't DC hire YOU to write the new BB title? Seriously, the only reason I didn't just quote the whole fic was because it wouldn't fit in a comment. And my review STILL won't fit in one comment!
*pant* *pant*
The only BB ingredient this fic is missing is more Ace. So next time, just add in a couple tablespoons of him, and the cake will turn out even fluffier.
And there had better be a next time.
I'm really glad that you liked the fight scene and some of Bruce's dialogue, in particular, because those were the hardest parts for me to write (I don't usually do action scenes and good lord but Bruce is one complex old bastard). It's also nice to see that Terry being the surprisingly well-rounded twip he is came through, too - and I'll definitely remember to add more Ace next time. You can never have too much Bat-dog!
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