Title: You Give Crime-Fighters A Bad Name
Fandom: Young Justice
Characters/Pairing: The team
Rating: PG
Word Count: 917
Summary: "Is this just me, or do all superheroes seem to have weirdly outdated names?" - A discussion on naming conventions and their ramifications, in which maybe it's just one of those things.
A/N: I did it because it had to
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Although I have to say I'm rather fond of Kaldur'ahm. And you write Wally well. Also, the Artemis bit amused the hell out of me. ;)
Anyway, serasarahhhh says you've been helpful about the comics background so I'll look into that and maybe suck less I hope!
Although, considering the stupid shit I get worked up over in shows I love, I'm a little shocked this doesn't bother me more ( ... )
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