
Apr 28, 2005 12:39

WOW!!! I have not updated in an extra super long time, like 3 months. How crazy is that? A lot has happened since than. I am running and competeing again. It's amazing I love the girls on the team and I love just being out there running and giving God the glory in an awesome talent He gave me. Speaking of God, I am relying on Him more and more everyday. He is my only true best friend I can count on 100% of the time, and I am okay with that. I have many friends I can't count on. But everyone is human and their love fails oh I wrote an awesome poem..well I've been writing a lot. People are seriously pushing me to get published and get out there because I have an awesome gift for writing. I'm actually starting to believe it. I'm actually starting to believe in myself. For about the last two months I have been in recovery from my eating disorder :) rock on. There are still days where I struggle but in the past about 80 days i've slipped up maybe 6 times. That is just amazing. I love being healthy so much better. It's kind of sad the year is almost over and I'll move back home. But than again for the summer I will be down in Florida for 10 weeks. Panama City Beach. It's a christian thing where you learn more about God, grow closer to Him. They have you get a full time job to help cover expenses and the cost of what you don't raise before you go. I already am not the same person I was when I graduated high school. Just thinking of how much I will change this summer that far away from home and everyone and everything I ever knew is exciting. School is going really good too. Last semester I had like a 3.25 gpa this semester is probably about the same. I honestly must say despire how miserable I was and everything that's happened in my past I am very thankful for it. I am thankful for people hating me and making fun of me and just not being good friends, because it is making me into an awesome young adult. By being hated I am now learning what real love and real friendship feels like. By being put down and discouraged in the past and told I would never make it. I am learning what it is like to make and to be successful. By being away from home and being forced to step into territory I have never dared enter I am learning who I am. But most importantly by giving up my past and forgiving everything that happened I am setting myself free. (oh yea I got this awesome book, its called beauty by the book seeing yourself as God sees you. its amazing i recommend it to anyone who puts their faith and life in the hands of Jesus) I am learning so much here, but its not in the classrooms (well okay some there too) but outside in my relationships and what I see. One thing about me though hasn't changed and I am very happy to say that. I still have never done a drug or drank, and I don't ever plan on doing drugs and as for drinking maybe in a year when i'm 21 i will but i don't plan on getting smashed or whatever it's called. being here is amazing for that too. I dont feel so alone with my DARE attitude for lack of a better term. there are a lot of ppl out here who feel as i do. and speaking of being 21 in a year. my 20th birthday was the best birthday ever. i spent it with missy some of her friends and some of my friends. we met up for the brewer game than went midnight bowling. I've never had a better birthday. thanks guys. your all amazing.!!! :)
well i dont come home much anymore. i regret not comming home a lot because my family who i love very much means a lot to me. and i still have not visited sassy (where we buried her, she was put to sleep about 3 weeks ago) i already miss my best puppy. but other than the family i care and love so much, and a job i rarely work there isnt really anything in Waukesha left for me. It helped build me up to who i am and who I am becoming, but as for friends i have to be honest i really wouldn't count the people i used to call my friends as a friend anymore. Sometimes i question if they ever were real true honest friends. I'm not saying i hate them or i dont care about them i always will and do care and i enjoy the memories of the good times. but as for now, i've moved on for the most part. and there's not an ounce of regret in my heart. well i guess that is enough updating and blah blah blahing. i have to go study before sociology at 2. take care, love yourselfs so others may love you in return and God Bless.
"Do not give up on hope, for hope has not given up on you."

oh yea i'll post my awesome poem i wrote. cuz i am super proud of it. love yas
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