Thank you, Realms <3

Mar 11, 2008 23:04

Thanks to you, my dear consigliere, this huge mass of lead has been lifted off my shoulders. Here's what you've taught me:

1) When you're in Greece you speak and act Greek.
2) When Adolf is about to bite, I'll calmly ask him to go have beer.
3) And I'll DEFINITELY make Rivalz a non-minor kink in fandom if it kills me! IF IT KILLS ME.

You definitely live up to your family name, so I wanted to give you something back at least. I've made your favourite boys the first ambassadors of a (possibly) long line of Italian fashion houses.

Lelouch e Suzaku per DSquared2

Textless version here. Or should I say "inspired by DSquared2" because the tiiiny runway photos weren't adequate references. I couldn't make out some of the details ;___;. ANYWAY. This line is called "Rule Britannia". I'm not joking.

My Geass hand has been murdered by KHR. I... I'm sorry. It will never come back.

P.S. Don't worry, Demi. By the time I get to the real thing I'll make sure to make it cleaner. This was a fast job OTL.

P.P.S. Also... DSquared2 is originally Canadian, but it really only started in Milan. If anyone is about to nitpick.

(And, yes, this post has to do with KHR - I haven't mistagged XDD)

hitman reborn, fanart, gift, code geass

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