DC meme - Days 7 & 8

Aug 15, 2010 23:13

DC 30 Days Meme
Day Seven: Favourite Writer

Lemme tell you about Devin Grayson and Greg Rucka.

Devin Grayson wrote Titans that were a family of yound adults guiding teenagers in the world of the superheroes while dealing with problems of their own, she wrote a Catwoman who was scared of nothing so much as being dependent on Batman (and also the hottest Bat/Cat scene in existence), she wrote the Batfamily as a group of persons where women were as important as the men, she wrote stories where the normal people of Gotham all had their stories.

She wrote Gotham Knights, which shall be referred to from now as The Best Series Ever.

She wrote a run on Nightwing that actually had a plot, and where actions had consequences, and where the main character underwent a journey. She planned a story of epic range, in the true meaning of the word. She wrote the most perfect take on the Dick/Babs relationship - not ever shying away from the issues the relationship created for them, but also fun, flirty, and snappy.

She wrote thoughtful, elegant dialogues from characters that were real under her pen. It's always obvious, when reading a Devin Grayson story, that she's put a lot of thought in the characters, whether you agree with her interpretation or not. It's obvious they have motivations, quirks, an entire world of backstory that won't be revealed because it has no place in the story, but that nevertheless exists and shaped them as persons in their own worth.

Greg Rucka wrote Gotham Central, which shall be referred to as The Other Best Series Ever. He made me buy Wonder Woman, for heaven's sake, and god knows I'm not a Wondy fan. He created Sasha Bordeaux. He's pretty much the only creator in comics I trust unquestioningly, especially with female characters. He's on this list despite the Hiketeia, which I despise for its depiction of Batman, because he's one of the strongest Batman writers I know. (The other two are on this list.)

Oh, they both made me adore Huntress. Nightwing/Huntress-NoMan'sLand-CryForBlood ftw!

Devin Grayson's works make me feel I've always known the characters, Greg Rucka's make me feel as though I'm reading about real people.

Bonus: Judd Winick. I'm not as enamored of his work as of the others for some reason, but he's definitely ranking up there. Under the Hood! Green Arrow and Mia! Outsiders and Grace and Anissa! That one too short run on Batman after RIP which was the only thing that made sense from a character/psychological poinf ot view! :D

Day Eight: Favourite Artist

Oh, that's a difficult one. I pay less attention to the art than to the script, at least consciously. (I'm perfectly aware that pretty pretty art has been the only thing that made me like some stories before, but it doesn't tend to be the thing I focus on.)

I have three names for you, all different styles and all here for different reasons.

Rick Leonardi. My one true artistic love.

Doug Mahnke. As a rule, I dislike realistic art. This works for me because it's handsome, not over the top, and there's a dynamism and roundness to the style that's not so common in comics realism. The pages generally have some structure as well, rather than being lines of pictures telling the action without adding anything to the narrative.

Scott McDaniel. This is probably going to sound like something of a weird reason, but I'm extremely fond of McDaniel art because it reads 'safe' to me. 'Safe' as in 'this is decent quality, good period Gotham; you can read without fear that you'll want to scratch your eyes out'; somewhat like the Dixon of art. Since I first formed this perception, I've realized that McDaniel was the artist during much of Willigham's run on Robin, and so is in no way 'safer' from bad writing than any other artist, but for various reasons, I've never read much Robin and I was unaware of that fact for the long months that were my formative period in DC. I also like the art on its own; it was an acquired taste, but now I like that it's jaunty, dynamic, and colourful. I also appreciate that the weird look of humans means that I don't have to concern myself with anatomy, and that McDaniel fanservice doesn't end up as sexual as it would with another artist.

Other stuff I like:

Kevin Maguire. It's realistic, but it's fun! Female characters with silly expressions that make them look something else than generically sexy and/or beautiful!

Michael Lark and Kano. Generally speaking, the artistic teams involved on Gotham Central. Just look at these colors! These inks!

Whoever drew and colored Robin Year One. Google informs me the artist is called Javier Pulido. Let me tell you, all the comics I read could be drawn this way, and I would not be displeased.

Amanda Conner Cartoony, pleasantly humorous cheeesecake.

Rachel and Terry Dodson. Stuff that always make me smile!

And I'll stop here because before this finished to turn into the kitchen sink.

the rest of the days:
Day One: Favourite Character
Day Two: Favourite Villain
Day Three: Favourite Team
Day Four: Favourite Family
Day Five: Favourite Civilian/Non-Masked Character - IMAGE HEAVY
Day Six: Favourite Title - IMAGE HEAVY
Day Seven: Favourite Writer
Day Eight: Favourite Artist
Day Nine: First Title You Were Hooked On
Day Ten: A Title You Wish You Could Bring Back
Day Eleven: Favourite Romance
Day Twelve: Favourite Friendship
Day Thirteen: Favourite Enmity/Rivalry
Day Fourteen: Favourite Legacy Character
Day Fifteen: Team-Up You'd Like To See
Day Sixteen: Favourite Live-Action Adaptation
Day Seventeen: Favourite Animated Adaptation
Day Eighteen: Favourite TV Episode
Day Nineteen: Favourite Game
Day Twenty: Favourite Fanwork
Day Twenty-One: Favourite Power
Day Twenty-Two: Favourite Costume
Day Twenty-Three: Favourite Weapon
Day Twenty-Four: Favourite Vehicle/Method Of Transportation
Day Twenty-Five: Favourite Crossover Event
Day Twenty-Six: Favourite Mini or OGN
Day Twenty-Seven: Favourite Elseworld
Day Twenty-Eight: Most Memorable Death
Day Twenty-Nine: Most Welcomed Retcon
Day Thirty: If I Could Undo Anything...

scans, fandom: dc comics, meme: 30 days of dc, meme

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