DC meme - Day 1

Aug 08, 2010 20:07

DC 30 Days Meme
Day One: Favourite Character
Bruce, of course. Comics Bruce, even. I say of course because even though I know it's not a popular opinion on lj, and not in comic-book shops either, Bruce is my favorite character ever.

Mostly because he's fucked-up.

He's one of the most, if not the most competent superhero in the world, but he fails at personal relationships. He can be unfair and a jerk and utterly blind, but most of the time it's because he really cares a lot. He's funny in that deadpan straight man or too-serious guy way where sometimes I laugh with him and sometimes I laugh at him.

He's a complete idealist and he's angry/bitter/'cynical' because like all idealists he sees the world's not right. He knows he's never going to achieve his goal of making Gotham safe but he's never going to give up on that goal.

He's scared of losing himself to the violence and he's scared of letting people close to him (what if he loses his drive? or what if they get killed?) and he pretends to be a loner but he's always making new companions whenever he's momentarily succeeded at driving the usual crew away. His closest friends are the people he respects the most in the whole world, and he thinks they're all better people and better heroes than he is.

He has the strictest policy on not killing out of all the heroes (except maybe Cass) but he's reputed to be the darkest of them all, and he is a bit of a hypocrite because he'll let the people he loves get away with murder. He has the most fascinating city. He has plans about needing to take down all of his allies and he's a master at mind-games and he's self-centered and selfless and tragic and flawed.

He has mentored people who are recognized as the best of their fields. He's loved by what may well be the most extensive supporting cast in DC, and they respect him and they're loyal to him and sometimes they doubt him and confront him because he can be the most trying person of the universe. He knows the name of every cop who died since he became Batman, he bears every death that happened because he wasn't good enough to save them.

He doesn't have powers but he's in the JLA. The question of his true self is never going to be entirely solved. He's incredibly possessive of people or things ('this is my city!'), but that's because he belongs to them - like Bruce ever thought of himself as not-of-Gotham. He's not an inspirational hero, or he doesn't view himself as such, but he still inspired more people in-universe than any other hero.

In some ways, he's never going to grow past the eight-year-old who watched his parents get killed in front of him. Things bigger than he is talk to him and of him and inhabit him, Gotham and Scary Bat Gods, and make him as big as they are and yet instrumental to them and The Mission.

Alfred said the following thing about him: “while he most certainly became a man.. I don't think he ever became an adult.”

Honestly, I could spend the night compiling reasons and quotes and little details that make me love him in all his heroic, damaged greatness.

I love him because of what he is to every other character in his universe, and because of what they are to him. I love him because he's Batman, and fuck yeah, justice and not killing ever and heaps of horrific backstories and stubbornness and being afraid of admitting he cares and caring more than most people can imagine and still fucking things up and still having people who love him!

He's a hero, and he's damaged, and he's often wrong when it comes to the people that are closest to him.

Day Two: Favourite Villain
Day Three: Favourite Team
Day Four: Favourite Family
Day Five: Favourite Civilian/Non-Masked Character
Day Six: Favourite Title
Day Seven: Favourite Writer
Day Eight: Favourite Artist
Day Nine: First Title You Were Hooked On
Day Ten: A Title You Wish You Could Bring Back
Day Eleven: Favourite Romance
Day Twelve: Favourite Friendship
Day Thirteen: Favourite Enmity/Rivalry
Day Fourteen: Favourite Legacy Character
Day Fifteen: Team-Up You'd Like To See
Day Sixteen: Favourite Live-Action Adaptation
Day Seventeen: Favourite Animated Adaptation
Day Eighteen: Favourite TV Episode
Day Nineteen: Favourite Game
Day Twenty: Favourite Fanwork
Day Twenty-One: Favourite Power
Day Twenty-Two: Favourite Costume
Day Twenty-Three: Favourite Weapon
Day Twenty-Four: Favourite Vehicle/Method Of Transportation
Day Twenty-Five: Favourite Crossover Event
Day Twenty-Six: Favourite Mini or OGN
Day Twenty-Seven: Favourite Elseworld
Day Twenty-Eight: Most Memorable Death
Day Twenty-Nine: Most Welcomed Retcon
Day Thirty: If I Could Undo Anything...

fandom: dc comics, meta, meme: 30 days of dc, meme

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