[DC] 5 times Gotham managed without Batman

Mar 21, 2009 16:59

For shiny_glor_chan.

5 times Gotham managed without Batman

1. Though no-one remembers now, there was a time when Gotham didn't have a Batman. Should such a time again come, the great lady will still pull through.

2. Decades before the bat took its first flight, one of inhuman gifts attempted to make things right. He was driven away after realizing that his powers made less of a mark on the city than the newly-installed gaslights planted along the streets; at least the lamps gleamed for a little while before being snuffed out.

3. On the eve of May, 18th 2004, a night-tentacled monster emerged from the abyss; at dawn, nothing remained but a sheen of black grease that cars casually rolled over while high above, the gargoyles watched in silence.

4. Once, Batman was away during eight days and eight nights, and the walls of Arkham remained closely sealed and their contents unseeping for as long as his absence lasted.

5. Nadia punches her would-be assaulter, Max regains control of his car, Romy gets a call from her snitch, Thomas comes home from his karate class, John wakes up at the clinic, Elsie rereads the acceptance letter for her Wayne scholarship. Night is falling; in a few minutes Gotham will have granted power to the dreamers and the mad. She delays.

For three minutes more the shadows remain warm and shallow, harmless like an afternoon in the country, quickly soured as it ends.

fandom: dc comics, gen, scary bat god, gotham, batman, fic

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