Title: Things that could have happened had Hizashi been the older son (or: a cage is a cage is a curse, dammit.)
runespoor7Rating: PG-13
Summary: series of unrelated drabbles/ficlets. So far, drabbles include various flavours of implied Neji-Hina-Naru combinations , but it's really Hyuuga-centered gen with occasional cameos of other characters.
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Comments 13
Also, like I said before, I just knew you'd bring in some fascinating points of both lightness and darkness into this world, even about a "fluffy" subject like Neji opening up towards Hinata more and more. I mean, I absolutely adore the stunning contrasts you set up between both Hizashi and Hinata and their view of Neji in the first two pieces. There's no one so blind as one who has all pervading sight and you show that maxim off so beautifully here. ♥
And the last drabble is fully, sweet, delicious love. (And you said you were bad at fluff! ;) I mean... it's Neji! Obsessing sweetly over his absolutely impenetrable cousin! And getting suggestions from Lee! And suggestive looks from Ten-Ten! Man, that makes me want to roll around the floor in glee for a bit. ;)
I like to take the head of the Hyuuga clan, blind him to all interpersonal interactions around him, and then crush his world under Hinata and Neji's uncommon stubborness.
I don't know if I'm bad at fluff, I just know it bores me very quickly. As a side note, the third ficlet began as angst too, and then... angst gets boring after a while as well. *hides short-attention span* So I dragged his teammates into it, because Neji clearly needs mocking. (Lee was thinking about Sakura the whole while, you know it.)
I like to take the head of the Hyuuga clan, blind him to all interpersonal interactions around him, and then crush his world under Hinata and Neji's uncommon stubborness.
I think it's a constant of the Hyuuga that whoever's at the head of them will constantly be the most clueless one as to where the future actually is headed. Perhaps Hinata, if she ever ascends to the top in the "real" Narutoverse, will be the one to change that...?
where the future actually is headed
I think it's more 'what the people surrounding them will make out of the present', you know? And since Hinata was apparently the first of them to think one could change one's lot, I don't doubt that she'll be able to change that. (When Naruto is Hokage or something, since he's the hero. :D)
*ignooooooriiiiiiiiiing the first sentence* *starts typing again*
Fweee, can't wait for more! ♥♥♥♥
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