Fandom Snowflake challenge: day 2

Jan 02, 2012 15:28

The challenge for day 2 is to rec at least three fanworks (fic, art, meta, recipe, tattoo, joke) that you didn’t create, the lesser known the better. I’m not very good at the “the lesser known the better”, I don’t think, but have some anyway.

First of all, I would like to recommend __marcelo’s fic to anyone interested in DC fandom. His fics are short and amaaaaaaazing. They can be hilarious (Group Think), heartbreaking (Domino), adorable (Trébuchet), or just plain creepy (Inspiration). He writes awesome quasi-meta fics (Perfect) about people in Gotham (When/If), great crossovers between the DCAU and the DCU (Visit) and lots of clever AUs (Truth, Justice, and the American Way) - no, seriously, lots. One of my favourite bit of DC meta/fic ever is this fic about Robins: Prodigies. I’ve missed many of my favourite fics of his there, so take it as a blanket rec.

Also by Marcelo, this Q & A regarding Bruce and Jason, which I heartily recommend to anyone who likes Jason, but especially shippers. No, it's entirely gen-like-canon. *grin*

Take a minute to read one fic, or take an afternoon to go through ALL THE FICS. You won’t be disappointed. (Oh, and check this out: one more thing Cass and Steph have in common about their dads, y/y?)

While on the subject, I am going to pimp again
katarik’s fics, but most especially The Red and Running Life, as one of the best perspectives on Cass’ ability to read body language. Like Cass, it is short and amazing. Also by Katarik, this rant/review on Devin Grayson’s contribution to the Batmythos. Written in 2006, it’s almost entirely positive and I read it when I want the fuzzy feelings.

And a last:
Wonders to Perform by rubynye: a tree grows in the city, and Robins fly through her branches. Because fic about the love story between Gotham, its inhabitants, and the Bats, make me very happy.

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recs, fandom snowflake, meme

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