3sentences round-up that are often above 3-sentence long, PG at the most

Dec 08, 2011 17:08

First the DC-related ones:

Young Justice, Robin/team, they know Gotham is killing him slowly
They think it’s because of Batman; when they think he’s out of earshot, they do blame Batman.

“This is killing you,” Wally says once, quietly, two sessions after an unfortunate spar where Dick wasn’t fast enough to hide the newest scar, which hadn’t quite finished healing and so was particularly ugly.

Dick shakes his head but otherwise ignores it, not in the mood to start talking about the innocents who will die and the children who will cry themselves to sleep for the rest of their life if Robin isn’t there for them.

Young Justice, Artemis/Robin, I held you through all your shifts of structure [Eventual Proteus, Margaret Atwood)
"Batman says everyone's entitled to their secret identity, that's why I didn't tell you I knew," Robin says, calm and blank as stone - so, like every day.

She glances at him; she's still angry, but she remembers that he just chuckled when she introduced herself as Green Arrow's niece, and he got her out of her funk when she was too distraught to think, and he's kept his mouth shut time and time again, while she figured out how she was going to play this, be a hero, her life.

She breathes. "Okay. But not telling me even after the mole thing? Still a dick move."

His eyes widen behind his mask - oh, barely - and Artemis turns away to conceal her smile.

Young Justice, Artemis, I admit it I am afraid of isolation
"Go away," Artemis yells through the door, pulling her head just enough up from her pillow to be sure it carries.

"There's a friend from your school who wants to see you," her mother's voice is barely muffled; thin doors, thin walls, and Artemis knows her mom counts her blessings that the kitchen's faucet hasn't yet decided to give out on them. "A boy."

I have no friends at school, Artemis contemplates replying, but settles for punching her pillow. I have no friends full stop.

"He says, and I trust it'll make sense to you, you need to get traught."

Before she knows it, she's flung the door to her room wide open. Her mom looks only slightly ruffled by the drama, lucky her.

"Where's the little creep?" she demands.

There's a movement above her mom's shoulder, which Artemis tracks, and she feels her eyes go very wide. Dick Grayson is wearing his school uniform and very familiar smirk, and he waves vaguely at her.

There's a pair of huge square sunglasses poking out the pocket of his jacket.

Batman Beyond, Max, I'm Batwoman
"Shouldn't you be Batgirl?" Terry asks, because sometimes he's kind of a jerk, even when he doesn't mean to.

Wayne makes a sound that isn't quite a snort, but manages to convey McGinnis, pay attention to the last derisive syllable; Max's opinion of him raises a notch.

"Since I'm not gonna be taking orders from you, no, I don't think it should be Batgirl."

Terry looks like he gives it a thought, then nods his okay. This is why she knows they can work together.

Batfamily, Steph/Cass, come back and we'll take them all on
The Cave's securities feel familiar; in the lockers they rummage through after Cass breaks them down, they find a bright Robin costume fitted for a girl, and a Batgirl suit darker and more scary than the one Steph knows.

"You were right," Steph mutters, stroking her hands down the Robin suit - she remembers how it feels to put it on, how can she, when she never even entered the Cave before today.

Cass is grinning, and she's already got her cowl halfway on when she retorts, "this is always right."

DCU, Helena Bertinelli & Jason Todd, anger management
They have to make the bunker explode.

Jason's eyes dance with glee and he's swearing happily under his breath while they make their get-away - he's shooting at their pursuers with one of their own guns, which Helena doesn't disapprove, at least not until he starts spending longer looking over his shoulder than running and she snaps at him.

So if there were casualties among the League of Assassins renegades that were attempting to get their claws in them - Helena later confessed to Barbara - she would shoulder the blame for not stopping Jason; the explosion, however, was a necessary part of their escape strategy.

Justice League Unlimited, Question/Huntress, date night
It isn't that Helena is unused to date weirdness, ranging from the amusingly quirky to the downright terrible.

It isn't that, as a costumed crime-fighter dating another crime-fighter, she expected her luck to swerve for the jackpot; she's not the most sociable gal in the League, but there's apparently a code that Gotham ladies stick together, so she knows that an astonishing ratio of Canary's dates with Green Arrow finish with foiling crime (or start with, she's unclear about this part), and even Batgirl dropped at her window to arch her eyebrows and pass frighteningly sibylline comments (and Huntress considers that her boyfriend is by all accounts far easier to deal with than Batgirl's, but the other woman had an air of deep matter-of-factness as she referred to various disasters, so Helena couldn't deny the encounter did leave her with a feeling of awed foreboding).

It's just that she didn't expect she'd have to clarify whether she meant mask on or off; still, when he calls her back to ask, it's another excuse to be on the phone with him, so she rolls with it.

original, superheroes, corner of your eye (hint: it’s really not original)
Rewriting history is hard on the knuckles, and after the fifth time she attempts to merely spell the name as she remembers it and she can't make the pen shape the letters, it's like a curse in a fairytale, she flings it across the room, she's so frustrated; it stabs straight into the soft plaster near her bed, deadly and neat like she's a knife-thrower or a ninja, and she stares at it in disbelieving incandescence.

She goes to the window, and takes a breath over the city, trying to calm down as she puts her thoughts in order, the whole roiling mass of snippets of memories. She's tried grabbing them before, starved for sense she knows is lurking in plain sight there, if she could just catch it; but the most she succeeds is a swift jet-black shadow slipping around the corner of her mind's eye, so subtle if she didn't know it's there, she wouldn't even see it.

And these are the non DC-related ones. Yes, I wrote some. Yes, you in the back, I heard that.

Discworld, Ridcully, trouble always has to come when he's in the bath
Trouble, these days, mostly takes the form of young Ponder Stibbons nervously babbling at him about the last of Hex' quasi-demonic bursts into the fabric of reality, or, if Ridcully's particularly unlucky, the Trousers of Time.

He doesn't seem to have a choice about finishing his bath, unfortunately, so he just ups and nods, and after the first three times he interrupts Stibbons to have him say a sentence that actually makes sense - only for the young man to look at him like he's the Bursar thinking he's Ridcully - he gives up and lets the verbal flood rush past him, mourning the flood of boiling water.

He consoles himself with the thought it's still less of a bother than assassination attempts.

Naruto, Team 7, hair dye
"--And then he will have to take his mask off," Naruto concludes triumphantly.

"Huh," Sakura considers; unless Kakashi-sensei tries to wash the dye off with his mask on, it's... surprisingly not a terrible plan.

But Sasuke just shakes his head, like he already knows it'll never work.

Young Avengers, Teddy/Billy, date night
"I think we should call it explosion night," Teddy hears Billy grumbling, "it would save time and it wouldn't get anyone's hopes up." Then he starts chanting, "loweryourweaponsloweryourweaponsloweryourweapons."

Usually, Teddy's all for the cautious application of powers, especially since that last time with Doom, but he's getting this close to suggesting Billy if he couldn't wish them a tranquil date night.

He bites his lips until the urge goes away.

Young Avengers, Kate, you stand up
She takes her sister's solicitous comments that she looks drawn without a retort. She forces herself to go to school and she grits her teeth when she overhears others whisper in barely-muffled snickers about her, and she stares woodenly and shrugs and tell the teachers that no, nothing is bothering her.

When her father suggests that she should cut back on her charity activities, she doesn't look well, you should get more rest Katie, she puts her foot down.

Firefly, any, there are times when it goes smooth, this is just not one of those times
"Is it ever one of these times?" Inara enquires, poised and unruffled like she's not missing out on an engagement that could keep Serenity afloat for two weeks - though for all Wash knows she managed to contact her client and postpone before the radios went dead.

Jayne shrugs, "haven't met one yet."

Imperious, Mal raises a finger. "No disturbances! 'm workin' out a way to get us out of here and get the cargo back."

The cargo, as far as Wash has been able to ascertain, was removed from the ship two hours ago and is en route for, quote Mal some blasted muck-raking, Alliance-licking, wangbadan de biaotze zit-in-the sky planet unquote.

Zoe - beautiful and fantastic Zoe - looks at him with an expression that says clearly that if he wants to remark on that and waste time on more squabbles before they get to Mal's latest grand rescue of their meager wealth, he's welcome to. (Zoe doesn't talk much, but Wash was quick to realize that it was not because she didn't have a lot to say. His wife's vocabulary of crinkles of the lips and twitch of the eyebrows is most comprehensive.)

It doesn't even take considering, really. Pointing out the obvious issues with whatever Mal's planning versus chasing after their cargo? He's tested it before, and he knows, at least the complaining's foolproof.

His next remark gets lost with Kaylee's, but Wash doesn't think it's a loss: they make more noise that way.

ch: steph, ch: artemis, ch: dick (yj), fandom: dc comics, gen, ch: cass, fandom: naruto, ch: jason, 3sentence, fandom: marvel, fic, fandom: firefly, ch: huntress, fandom: young justice, ship: cass/steph

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