[DC] Heroes don't do it for the thanks

Oct 23, 2011 12:38

Title: Heroes don't do it for the thanks
Characters/Pairing: Jason
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: underage prostitution, violence, subtext that some readers may find disturbing.
Summary: Five times someone appreciated Jason and one time that someone actually told him..
Notes: Practically longer than the fic. For comment_fic. Inspiration for 5 from katarik; references Outsiders #44-45.

1. His mom smiles when he brings her what she needs, or when he manages to get the stove working well enough that he can boil carrots and potatoes and pretend it’s soup. She doesn’t speak because it’s too much effort, these days, but her hand flutters in his when he hugs her good night.

2. The guys put their hands in his hair. Sometimes they yank. Sometimes they whisper stuff Jason does his best not to hear too closely. Often they pat him on the head after he’s done, and that’s what Jason hates the most. They reward him like they reward their dog when it’s done a good job. And Jason may be their bitch for the twenty dollars burning their pocket, but he’s no-one’s dog.

3. There’s something intense in Bruce’s eyes now. As intense, at times, as the dark, overbearing presence that’s inhabited him since he saw his parents be murdered. Alfred is quietly grateful for it, even if it means bringing another child into this life.

4. Without him, Black Lightning would still be in jail, imprisoned for a crime he didn’t commit and convinced he was guilty. Now, Jason didn’t expect a parade, but some acknowledgement that he’d done good would’ve been nice, y’know? On the other hand, Jason had had to go to ground pretty much ten hours after he gave the Outsiders the heads up, so that one may be on him.

5. Barbara procured photos of what the Joker looked like after Red Hood was done beating him up, from one of the Hood’s cameras. If anyone suspects, they’ve had the good sense not to mention it.

1. “Thank you,” whispers the girl. She’s trembling, and her cheeks are soaked with tears. She sends a glance at the two guys Jason’s disabled, her pimp and his friend, and shivers, and says again, “Thank you.”

fandom: dc comics, gen, ch: jason, fic

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