Urk, it's been a while since I last posted stuffs...
Like I still need to upload ch 6 of Caught and finish typing the 7th chapter. I'm working on it.
But, anyways, recently got into a TeniPuri obsession, so most likely I'll be writing drabbles, testing out the fandom. Besides, the OT5 is such delicious crack, isn't it?
When he had stated that he had felt no motivation to win, that the only reason he had played was for the thrill of drawing out his opponents potential, Fuji hadn't thought that Tezuka would look at him so sternly. He had dismissed it as the captain being worried about him, nothing more, nothing less.
Yet, when the buchou stated that the only thing on his mind was to win, to have victory at any cost, he had felt a wide gulf open between the two. How was he to compare with Kunimitsu, who would do anything for this sport, when he was just a genius who cared not for the game, but the thrill?
How was it that even though both were geniuses but turned out so differently? They were both skilled tennis players, but Kunimitsu would sacrifice anything to win, while he would do nothing to help, only playing for his gratification.
It stung, being so far apart from the male that he had thought had been his closest friend, the one who was even remotely close to understanding him. He could feel the gulf widening between them, enough so that it forced him to tell Tezuka to remove him as a member of the team whenever he became a nuisance. After all, what kind of friend would he be if he blocked the path to victory, Kunimitsu's goal?