Last August I took Madison to the vet
because she had a tumor. They did some testing, didn't think it was cancer,
but recommended taking it out anyway because it could be cancer. I ended up not doing surgery because she's old and it was no guarantee of anything. Huh. Looking back at that entry I totally blocked out the fact that they didn't know if it was cancer or not. I remember them telling me that 90% of these tumors are cancerous, so I thought I had 1-6 months left with her.
Over time her tumor grew to about 4x the size it was when I initially took her in. I kept watching her for signs that her appetite dropped or her energy level, but she's been the same old Maddy. A few nights ago I was checking her tumor and I almost couldn't find it. It shrunk! Back to about the size it was last August. So clearly it isn't cancer!
When I was trying to decide on the surgery I told my mom that Maddy is the luckiest cat I know and if anyone can beat this without surgery, it's her. Clearly, I wasn't exaggerating.