Caden's eyes still aren't draining. At all. No difference from before the surgery and we're five days out. I keep hoping that things will improve, but that attitude is also why I waited until she was two to do this surgery.
amykck and another mom both told me their kid's eyes started draining correctly almost immediately. *sigh*
I do not want to go through that surgery again, and I definitely don't want to pay for that surgery again. (Although at least at this point I'm sure we've met our deductible.) I've got a call into the doctor to see if he wants to see us before our post-op appointment at the end of the month. Even if he does, I'm not sure how quickly he'll want to do surgery again, or if we have to wait to let things heal. At least this time I'll demand an earlier surgery appointment. We'll not be doing the 11:15am slot again.
My mother is going to freak over this. It's bad enough her tiny namesake had to go through this once, if she has to do it again? Ugh.
eta - Doctor said to wait it out two to three weeks. She does have a stuffy nose, so that could be contributing. For now, there's nothing we can do but hope and pray it worked.