[Paperdoll] Lantern Love

Jul 05, 2010 20:33

hey snugglemuffin, remember the birthday present that was ...misplaced in the timestream?
I finished it!

Here, in full glory - StarSapphire!JJ (x2) and IndigoLantern!Piper!
Dedicated to my lovely katzedecimal ^^

The first StarSapphire!Trickster.
It shows a lot of nakedness, a symbol on his forehead, striped pants, lace on the gloves and a ponytail with a pink bow.

Template is here

Indigo!Piper! A hommage to Jo´s Indigo-Piper .
He has the new color scheme, the symbols, his flute-case, the stripes on the torso (I put the one on his arms on the wrong side...oops)
Also, I forgot that the original model I recolored for this one was somewhat smaller than the avergare paperdoll.
Again, oops.

Template is here

Another design for StarSapphire!JJ
I couldn´t decide which elements to use...this JJ has a crown, thigh-high fuck me boots, also a lot of nakedness, lace on the back, ponytail with the symbol...
In the beginning, both design had some skirt-things to them, but I messed up the sizing and they weren´t not-wearable.
But they´d hide some aspects of the torso-design that I liked, so it´s not that bad.

Template is here

And also a bonus for Piper´s birthday!

Hello, alternate universe!Piper, here´s something for your birthday.


I thought the dolls would be a neat idea, but in the end I wasn´t very fond of them.
They´re lazy re-coloring jobs and I´m not happy about them at all.

Templates are here, here and here

- Piper (Rogues Wars/Countdown outfit)
- Trickster (Rogues Wars/Countdown outfit)
- Trickster (90s ponytail outfit) + leatherjacket
- Captain America (with hair)
- Tony Stark (tuxedo edition)
- Captain Boomerang I (classical look)
- Captain America (plus cowl)
- Captain Cold (classical look without hood)
- Piper (thigh-high boots look)
- Booster Gold (classical look)
- Blue Beetle (classical look)
- Blue Beetle (with hair and googles instead of cowl)
- Captain Boomerang II (BN outfit without boomerangs)
- Weather Wizard (modern outfit + wand)
- Golden Glider (classical look)
- Trickster II (classical look)
- The Top (classical look)
- Pied Piper (90s look)
- The Trickster (Agent Jesse)
- Tony Stark (Arc Reactor)
- Trickster (Star Sapphire I)
- Trickster (Star Sapphire II)
- Piper (Indigo Lantern)
- Trickster (Angel)
- Piper (suit-thing)
- Piper (re-color)

Template finished, but untested:

Future Projects(hopefully)
- Doctor Who
- Secret Six
- new!Steve Rogers
- Green Lanterns

What are these?
Those are paperdolls; taken from the Hetalia fandom. I took the original templates and modified them via photoshop ion order to resemble other characters.

Tutorial: How to build paperdolls

Credit goes to the original artists from pixiv
And for today´s post, to joasakura and katzedecimal - responsible for Lantern Love

other: crafts, character: pied piper/hartley rathaway, other: papercraft, character: the trickster i/james jesse, fandom:dc

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