How are you, f-list?
I´ve been swamped with the start of university, but finally I have a little time to say hi.
Incredible how I have now about the half of the hours of my last semester but the stress doesn´t get any less.
Anyway, to more enjoyable stuff: I need to finally write my prompts for the thon, then write my Halloween stories, color my fanart (more Butch Hartman - yay!) would be easier if the pcs in the library weren´t occupied all the time *g*
Also, important:
I have currently 4 stories that need a beta.
- Rogues fic - 2600 words
- Captain America fic - 1300 words
- Gambi fic - 400 words
- Supernatural fic - 1000 words
any takers?
That´s supposed to be the 4th Doctor from Doctor Who and the Cheshire Cat from Alice in Wonderland (Tim Burton version). Done for a DA contest.
Also, there´s a
rat generator at DA(found the link at the p_t comm) and I messed around with it
In other news, I am seriously thinking about knitting the famous Doctor Who scarf; I´ve been to several websites for instructions and tips, looked at youtube tutorials, went to three different shops to see what material (yarn, needles) they store, but:
- it´s complicated
- it´s uber-geeky
- I don´t really have the time
- no, seriously, now is a bad, bad time
- I canit knit! I had to learn it in elementary school, but I was so bad at it that my mom took one look at my attempts and then took the knitting needles away from me and did my whole project for me. Yes, I´m THAT bad at it^^
I guess I´m partially inspired by my geeky side...and because it´s so damn cold here. Seriously, I went outside with hat, scarf and I wore leggings underneath my pants. It´s the middle of October and I´m dressed for the middle of december. And the temperature is going to drop even further.
That being said, in case I´m going through with it, I know that a few of you guys can actually knit. Could I maybe come with stupid questions to you? (And there are going to be really, really, really, stupid beginner´s questions, like...what is a row? or how do you drop stitches? and what is a stitch?) But I haven´t started yet so relax for now^^