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Dec 02, 2007 17:35

I finally saw the movie Serenity today. I kept hearing good things about it, but I'm notoriously difficult to get to watch something. The best way to get me hooked on something is to watch it without me while I'm in the vicinity doing something else. I became a loyal Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Angel fan that way. But even though the TV series Firefly and its movie sequel Serenity are by the same guy as Buffy and Angel I didn't watch them.

At the time Firefly aired I was trying to cut down on my TV watching (I know Angel was running and if Buffy was also still running that definitely would've been too crowded) so I never watched it. Then because Serenity was a follow up to the TV series, I didn't watch it either.

Then one of my coworkers from work did a good thing and lent me his copy of Serenity. Being unable to avoid seeing it now, I finally watched it.

It was pretty good and I enjoyed it a lot more than I thought I would, considering that I hadn't watched the TV series and knew virtually nothing about it other than it was a space western and the series does not have aliens. I actually thought the characters Simon and River were introduced in the movie rather than having been two of the regular cast members of the show. There were a couple things that stuck out as a bit weird to me, one of which was a consequence of having not watched the TV series (thank you Wikipedia for episode synposes), and the other which I still don't understand.

But otherwise, it was a good movie. I might look at some of the extras before I return the DVD.
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