Oh, Dark Rune... I wish it could be true. I don't believe it anymore. JKR wrote VOMIT (not even OBHWF, but pure VOMIT), she trampled H/Hr and desecrated Hermione, and she's pleased she did. I can't believe there's anything behind it.
I'll read book 7 for closure on my beloved Harry, but I doubt JKR will redeem herself from HBP. One book to go, four horcruxes to be found, Harry in love with Ginny, Goodship!Hermy simpering after Ron, and Voldemort to be killed by an inexperienced Harry.
The Harmonians that keep heart warm mine though. I wish that you were right, but I've never put much stock in JKR's interviews before now, and I'm not starting now. Canon stands as it is, doesn't it?
I agreed fully with the review/rant you posted, by the way. Verbalised exactly my first reaction too. *slinks off*
I did say that perhaps I'm just in denial. Don't get me wrong; even if JKR writes Harmony in the end, my respect for her has been irrevocably shattered.
But I'm still a logical Harmonian through and through, and what I see is a book with characterization that does not match the rest. The biggest assumption here is that JKR really knows what she's doing, that she actually has depth as an author. After five books of decent writing, why did she stop now and do a complete 180? Unless she really didn't and there's a better explanation for this?
HBP just doesn't make any sense, and the part of me that wants to believe in a greater good says to wait until the last book.
Of course, I still loathe the VOMIT-filled garbage that was HBP. :(
I hate to admit that I'm with selene_13 here. I'd love for you to be right, and if she were writing one book and she had about 100 pages of throw them off the track stuff, then I might believe it. But an entire book? I just don't buy it. Of course, this is probably me just hardening my heart/mind to allieviate the disappointment that I have with JKR, Hermione's character and the overall plot of HBP.
I believe, 100%, that she will sink the H/Hr ship in her interview with Melissa and Emerson. After a book like this how could she not? Wouldn't it be ironic though, if she doesn't, and she instead is vague on the h/hr and our ship is the one that is clinging to her quotes for the next two years?
Unfortunately, I don't think that's going to happen.
The thing is, HBP is just one book. We've had five books before July 16 all clearly pointing to Harmony. HBP is the exception to the rule, and in my opinion, that just doesn't cut it. Unless JKR is really that bad of an author, some other factor, carefully hidden by JKR, must be at work here.
Of course, this theory requires just a small amount of faith in JKR's writing ability--and I know many have lost it. Only time will tell. It'd be sadly ironic if Harmonians were the ones to rely on JKR's quotes, but if she's that good of an author, the clues we need should be in canon already. I don't think Harmonians would ever resort to quotes, so we'll see.
If she doesn't sink the ship in an interview then I'll be torn between thinking she's screwing with fandom and between hope that there is something there. But, she's going to sink it. I just feel it in my bones. I think one of the reasons this book was so hormonal is that she doesn't want that question or debate hanging over the final book. This was her clumsy and poorly written attempt to silence that.
I have lost faith in her as an author. I admit it.
Only JKR can restore your faith. I'm hanging on a very thin thread myself, but at least it's there. :/
If she outright sinks Harmony in an interview, then JKR will have proved herself nothing more than a hack writer. After following what she's written for years and having H/Hr as my OTP, I can't find it in my heart yet to dismiss JKR and Harmony. I cannot be satisfied with the shallowness of HBP.
JKR may be on my shit list for tearing Hermione down so badly, but I maintain that HBP may just be a ruse. A horribly written one, but it's better than the alternative.
I'll read book 7 for closure on my beloved Harry, but I doubt JKR will redeem herself from HBP. One book to go, four horcruxes to be found, Harry in love with Ginny, Goodship!Hermy simpering after Ron, and Voldemort to be killed by an inexperienced Harry.
The Harmonians that keep heart warm mine though. I wish that you were right, but I've never put much stock in JKR's interviews before now, and I'm not starting now. Canon stands as it is, doesn't it?
I agreed fully with the review/rant you posted, by the way. Verbalised exactly my first reaction too. *slinks off*
But I'm still a logical Harmonian through and through, and what I see is a book with characterization that does not match the rest. The biggest assumption here is that JKR really knows what she's doing, that she actually has depth as an author. After five books of decent writing, why did she stop now and do a complete 180? Unless she really didn't and there's a better explanation for this?
HBP just doesn't make any sense, and the part of me that wants to believe in a greater good says to wait until the last book.
Of course, I still loathe the VOMIT-filled garbage that was HBP. :(
I believe, 100%, that she will sink the H/Hr ship in her interview with Melissa and Emerson. After a book like this how could she not? Wouldn't it be ironic though, if she doesn't, and she instead is vague on the h/hr and our ship is the one that is clinging to her quotes for the next two years?
Unfortunately, I don't think that's going to happen.
Of course, this theory requires just a small amount of faith in JKR's writing ability--and I know many have lost it. Only time will tell. It'd be sadly ironic if Harmonians were the ones to rely on JKR's quotes, but if she's that good of an author, the clues we need should be in canon already. I don't think Harmonians would ever resort to quotes, so we'll see.
I have lost faith in her as an author. I admit it.
If she outright sinks Harmony in an interview, then JKR will have proved herself nothing more than a hack writer. After following what she's written for years and having H/Hr as my OTP, I can't find it in my heart yet to dismiss JKR and Harmony. I cannot be satisfied with the shallowness of HBP.
JKR may be on my shit list for tearing Hermione down so badly, but I maintain that HBP may just be a ruse. A horribly written one, but it's better than the alternative.
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