I wrote this review immediately after watching the OotP movie at the local IMAX last night. I posted it at
Harmony Forever, but I thought, since this review was so long, I should probably also post it on LJ for posterity.
Don't mind me. Feel free to skip this, what with all the OotP reviews coming out. :)
Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix, a.k.a. How To Mangle Beloved Characters and Scenes Beyond Recognition )
I've always thought of the movies as "Selected Highlights from the Harry Potter Books!" sort of things.
I agree with you that the books can't realistically be packed into movies, but my beef with OotP is its lack of emotional impact because the filmmakers made everything way too short. There was no time to appreciate anything. If Yates had trimmed the storyline down to the critical points and allowed those moments to sink in with the audience, that would have been fine. Instead, what we got was a barrage of scenes that just wouldn't stop.
I'm glad to read that Sirius's death left you cold, also. I found it fairly artificial, too fancy/jazzed up to really affect me. First up, the whole shame of Sirius's death was that (a) it was largely his fault through 'playing' with Bella, and (b) it was a tragedy because it was a mere stunner which saw his downfall.
Here I actually think the movie tried to improve upon the WTF-inducing way that Rowling killed off Sirius, while cementing the fact that yes, Sirius is, indeed, dead. The movie version might have worked, too, if only OotP were better directed and edited.
His 'good one, James!' worked quite well, though.
That made me all kinds of sad. :( That was the only time in the movie that I felt that way, and that was only because I'd read the books and knew the Marauders' sob story. Otherwise, it would have been "meh". I have to admit that the look on Harry's face in that moment was just a little heartbreaking, as well.
Ron *did* benefit, didn't he?
Yup. The filmmakers are covering their bases because they don't know what's going to happen. They've improved the Hr/R relationship by making Ron act better than he actually does in canon.
HATED the R/Hr Grawp scene
Every time I think about the Grawp scene, I still shake my head in disgust and amazement. Herons tend glorify Ron, dumb down Hermione, and shove Harry into the background. Harmonians have pointed this out time and again over the past few years. And now, lo and behold, we have visual proof with this moronic scene.
But don't you think they've tried to bring Ron up to their level, give him 100 I.Q. points, instead?
A little of both, actually. The filmmakers boosted Ron's character in spades, but there's still no excuse for the normally heroic Harry standing around like a useless idiot.
THREE Ginny Sue scenes
I didn't count the Patronus and Reducto scenes because those were part of the Dumbledore's Army montages. But the Reducto in the DoM was plainly ridiculous and blatantly Mary Sue-ish. Even if the films seem to be introducing Jenny gradually, she's still a Mary Sue because we haven't seen any of her flaws. She's casting one powerful spell after another.
Granted, she's much improved from the books version simply because she's not an annoyingly popular, drop-dead gorgeous spitfire who jerks boys around and hexes other people for kicks (yet), but that doesn't mean she's a great character either.
I still predict that DH will end with Harmony, so we won't have to worry about movieHBP!Jenny wasting screen time.
thought Emma's acting was much better than previous
The first scene was wonderful with its lovely H/Hr hug, but when Emma started talking, I actually recoiled in my seat. As far as looks are concerned, Emma is second to none in the HP movies. I can honestly say, as a perfectly straight female, that Emma is DAMN hot. :)
Evanna was brilliant; I didn't care much for Rickman/Snape, thought the character was firmly in caricature land ("obbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbviosly" - bleh). The twins' exodus was completely disconnected from the plot, and suffered for that.
Word. :)
Love your section #5. Hoping so much that DH shows that H/Hr wins out, although I fear it'll just prove that JKR is a bad author (again). See you back here in, what, about ten days?
Definitely. :D
Have a little faith. I believe that there is justice in this world, and that karma will be a bitch. ;)
Great review, thanks for posting over here. Cheers.
Nice talking to you again, Brad! Thanks!
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