Writer's Block: It happened one night

Sep 05, 2011 12:51

I can actually think of a few really awesome things, and they're pretty equal in how I view them. I'm not really going to go into tons of detail though.

1) What I'm almost certain must have been a ghost turned the air-conditioning on during a power-outage on a really hot day due to an ongoing thunderstorm at my Grandpa's old house.
2) The pet kitten I have now I got from out of the bushes outside my house after a kind person stopped his car and tried to get her out of the street she was curently trapped in. She was dodging the morning rush-hour traffic on a fairly busy street at about 4 weeks of age, and when he tried to catch her, he chased her up our driveway and needed me to get her out of our bushes. I always thought it would be cool for something like this to happen, and even when I was sure my mom wouldn't let me keep her, she did. (By the way, I didn't know she was out on the street and I came into the picture when I looked out the window and saw a guy running across the street for some reason, stopping, then waving at me to ask me something. (Good samaritan: "Is that your kitten"? Me: "A what? :D"))

3) After thinking I'd never get a pet for the rest of my childhood, my mom got me a pet cat for my 12th birthday. I was so happy I cried, lol. XD;

4) I thought we were going to be watching my Aunt's dog for her, but it turns out she was giving him to us. I always like getting pets in unusual ways after finally thinking that I'd never ever get that particular pet. :3 (My mom said we'd never get a dog because she disliked them. Luckily, it was my dad who my Aunt called and made the deal with. ;Db The dog was so well-trained and awesome though that my mom now loves dogs. ^_^b)

There are more, but I can't think of them right now. I think it's alright to explain more than one seriosly awesome event from the course of my life so far though. :P I really can't choose one over the other though.

writer's block

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