I'm excited for my classes this fall! (and other ramblings)

Jul 30, 2011 18:30

I feel like doing stuff, but at the same time I don't. That's an annoying feeling. -.- Hmmm, I mostly feel like writing stuff, which is probably why I'm writing all this nonsense, lol. I'm really, really excited for my English class this fall. :DDD I'm even excited to learn the grammar parts! I always love that class, but the classes I had taken the past year or two in high school felt like Reading classes. >w>; And they always, without fail, have depressing books. D: Actually, my Senior year English classes were pretty awesome, because we got to do a lot more than reading responses. XD; I had a Literary Expressions class where we studied Italy, the Renaissance, and Leonardo da Vinci. It was pretty much what would be created if Art class and English class became one with each other, lol. :D The other was Visual Word, where we mostly watched movies and wrote reviews about them, and studied the scenes and everything. Anyway, this year seems like it'll be the same kind of English classes I remember from elementary and junior high school. :3

In addition to my English class that I'm excited to take, my first class of every day will be Japanese! :Db It's not just my interest in animes and mangas that is the cause for my interest in the language and culture though. I've always loved learning other languages and learning about the cultures of other countries. :3 I have to admit though, 'twas animes and mangas that introduced me, mostly, to the Japanese culture. (As for Chinese and Spanish, the former was introduced to me via Sagwa and the latter through my mom's Ecuadorian friend. Though rather than Sagwa, my best friend in China is my main motivation now for learning Chinese. And as for Spanish? Well, it's just a really fun language to speak. >w< <3)

I'm also taking Pre-Calculus. :3 I'm a little nervous about it though, because it's been quite a bit of time since I last had a math class. D: I'm going to have to do a lot of brushing up. ^^; Still, call me weird, but I love math. :D It's interesting and fun to do. (The only part I really dislike is the seeming mutual agreement amongst math teachers that it should have tons of homework. orz One teacher I had once though, for Algebra and Algebra 2, had the very welcoming sentiment that if you don't understand it after the first 10 questions, you're not going to understand it 20 questions later and so therefore large homework assignments are pointless. XDb)

My other class is just a Career Development class meant to help me focus on deciding some kind of a major and for finding a career I might like. I hope this will be able to help me a bit in narrowing down my vast and often-changing interests. I know the common advice is to try and find a job that combines what you love doing, but I like doing so many things that it makes that difficult, and then on top of that my interests vary in degree for each thing frequently.


I kind of want to make videos on Youtube again, but I'll have to get into it again. I used to make AMVs and stuff, but I got lazier and lazier with them, and then that whole copyright issue came up (which I can understand for entire episodes of things being uploaded. However, AMVs aren't making any profit, and no one will watch AMVs to watch a series to avoid buying it, so I don't know why those were targeted as well.), and then my account got banned because they imagined they sent me three warnings when they in fact sent me one. So I lost complete interest in it for a while. But then my friend and I made a new shared account, and then to prevent me from overflowing our shared favorites list with stuff I made my own, and now I feel like I should put some stuff on it.
Meh, I'll get to that eventually.

I also have one last question: Has anyone seen Insidious yet? I was debating seeing it because it seemed pretty scary, but then I wanted to make sure the ending wasn't some awful one like a lot of horror movies like to end nowadays.

random, writing, school, japanese class, pre-calculus, question, movies, career development, youtube, english class

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