Er, yeah... I wrote this sometime around Friday and it's silly and not worth the time it takes
to read it but it has Keiichi in it so yeah... First posted attempt at anything remotely crack.
I'm really quite sorry for this. I think.
My excuse is it was three in the morning when I started it.
Title: Cake and Advice
Fandom: X
Genre: Crack/Romance
Pairings: S/K^4 (Seishirou/Keiichi, implied Kamui/Subaru, and indirect Seishirou/Kamui
& Keiichi/Subaru) and some Seishirou/Subaru & Kamui/Keiichi.
Summary: In which Keiichi gets some romantic advice, Kamui is a sitting duck, Subaru is not a
happy onmyouji, and Seishirou is a very amused.
Notes: For the
togakushishrine Challenge: The Ultimate Pairing, S/K.
"It can be very hard when the one you want is.. less than receptive to your feelings," Seishirou
lectured the teenager. "Pursuing them without holding back is important. You must prove yourself
to be a worthy suitor to your beloved."
The Sakurazukamori took a large bite of his strawberry short cake as his companion
contemplated his words.
"I've never thought of it that way Sakurazuka-san.", Murmured Keiichi gazing down into the
depths of his cup of tea as if it held extra wisdom. "It's just so frustrating sometimes.
It's like he doesn't even notice it when I'm doing everything but hitting him over the
head with a two by four."
"All the good men are taken or oblivious," Seishirou informed the blonde solemnly. "I'm afraid
nothing worth having is easy to get. I know with my Subaru-kun it took an entire year to get
his attention and he was far more... shall we say 'dense' than Shirou-kun."
Keiichi gave a little 'hmm' and trailed his fork over the icing of his half-eaten slice of
pineapple upside-down cake.
"I was /sure/ he'd finally get it with the whole earthquake thing," he grumbled.
Seishirou hid a smirk behind his own tea cup. He'd have to remember that little trick sometime
with Subaru, pity that he was usually the cause of such earthquakes. Maybe he could talk
Fuuma into a little favor...
"Have you thought about maybe something a bit more obvious, Segawa-kun?"
Keiichi blinked up.
"Like what Sakurazuka-san?"
Seishirou favored him with a lazy smile.
"Hmmm.. maybe something like this?"
The Sakurazukamori's hand easily gripped Keiichi's Clamp Campus uniform tie reeling in
the younger man for a rather persuasive kiss. Seishirou could faintly hear the startled yelp
of a waitress who had the fortune to walk by their table then. Amused by her reaction and
the teenager's own eager response to the 'learning experience' he allowed himself to deepen
the kiss, leaning over the table a bit to gain better leverage. Keiichi kissed back with
a teenager's enthusiasm, tongue sliding silkily over his own...
Suddenly, Seishirou felt the familiar tug of magic from nearby and pulled away with
a grin. The day was just getting better and better for him.
"Hguh..", mumbled Keiichi a somewhat dazed look on his face. "Sakurazuka-san what...?"
Seishirou was looking towards the cafe's entrance where a handsome young man in a white coat
was looking for something --or someone-- intently.
The man turned towards them and Keiichi was barely able to bit back a yelp as intent
green eyes came into view and Segawa recognized Sumeragi Subaru. But Sumeragi barely
gave him a second glance. He was staring at Sakurazuka with a burning intensity.
"Subaru-kun," Sakurazuka purred as his prey stared wide-eyed from the doorway.
"How lovely to see you. Please, come and join us." And his settled his hand subtly
over Keiichi's.
Keiichi flushed pink and noticing the looks that the green-eyed man gave them
both extracted his hand quickly. No way he was going to get involved in whatever
it was that the two had going on even if Sakurazuka-san was a handsome devil
and Sumeragi-san was almost as pretty as Kamui.
"I, um, t-thank you for the cake Sakurazuka-san but I must be going." Keiichi was out
of his chair almost quick enough to knock it over and he gave Seishirou a slight bow.
"Of course, Segawa-kun. Do consider my advice. We should get ice cream sometime, ne?"
Keiichi nodded faintly, careful not to look at the now seething Subaru before he fled.
Subaru ignored the boy in favor of glaring at Seishirou with the fury of
a thousand suns.
"Sei-shi-rou-san," the Sumeragi hissed, star-branded hands clenched in fists.
Seishirou gave an innocent look and Subaru reached for his ofuda.
"Something wrong Subaru-kun?", He asked before he had to duck the oncoming magical flock.
Kamui knew that there were a lot of weird things in the world.
Magic was second nature by now of course and Clamp Campus could be a strange place at times
but he was fairly certain that he'd never been followed via bushes on his way to the pavilion
to meet Subaru. He couldn't pick up anything magical or even threatening from whatever it
was though so he thought maybe it was a stray dog or cat.
Weird though that it seemed to be following just him though.
Kamui was so caught up in thought that he didn't see the determined blonde until it was too late.
Subaru arrived an hour late and it was all Seishirou's fault.
Yes, Seishirou's fault because he was an evil teenager seducing bastard who had no shame
and tasted suspiciously of pineapple.
Not that Subaru would know what Seishirou tasted like, of course. Cough-denial-cough.
Whether of not he had spent the afternoon in the company of the Sakurazukamori was apparently
not the point though, what was is that he had finally arrived and that Kamui…
Was no where in sight.
Immediately distress rained down upon Subaru's mind. What if Kamui had been attacked?
Or kidnapped? What if the Angel's Kamui had found him?! What if.. what if...
"Mmm, ah, Keiichi.. you taste like strawberries.."
Subaru stared at the rustling bush.
"Kamui... do you find me sexy?"
Subaru shuddered. He suddenly needed a cigarette badly.
On top of a nearby tree Seishirou watched amused as his prey left, fumbling with his lighter.
Kamui was far too busy with other activities to even notice Subaru's presence.
As it should be, thought the Sakurazukamori. Really, the boy had been getting far too close
to his Subaru-kun as of late and it would be less than gentlemanly to kill off the Kamui
before the Promised day. Distracting the boy was the most convenient way of getting him out
of the picture.
Not to mention the bonus of playing sensei to the genki blonde for an afternoon.
There is nothing quite like the corrupting of a young mind and good cake to pull the day together
just so.
Um, review? *hides nervously*