Oct 03, 2004 21:22
and now to fill you in on my uneventful life...
-my brand new bike, stolen
-karen is the most amazing person i have ever met
-i think michelle's senior will to me has finally been received
-threw more money away on another new bike
-saw pirates of the carribean
-saw eternal sunshine of the spotless mind -really good movie!
-sprained my ankle twice in 3 days, had to take a few days off
-seriously lifted for the first time in about 400 days, i hurt like hell
-cubs lost 7 of their last 8 and have made us all hope of next year once again, oh how we wait for next year (btw, whos gonna miss chip caray? anyone? anyone???)
-will be coming home to SCHAUMBURG this weekend for the marathon, etc! let me know if youre headed that way, its my turn to show off my trophy girlfriend ;)
thats all i can remember now, have a great week everyone!