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May 18, 2010 16:43

Probably a person with nothing to say shouldn't try to keep a journal, lol.  But it's good to try these things, I guess, and not a bad way to  break my bad habit of excessive punctuation.

Our doorbell has broken.  It's been threatening to do this for a while, with the button falling out if the postman gets overzealous, or just ringing continually.  Yesterday I guess the button fell out for good, and we lost it.  I've sellotaped a piece of string with a paperclip tied to it just over the hole and if anyone cares to get in they can figure out what to do from there.  Student living, ey?  Our landlord's pretty much a legend about this kind of thing, though, so I reckon if we get around to calling him about it, he'll fix it up for us.  I mean, not that a paperclip and a piece of string isn't a long term solution.

I'm a little worried about something else.  A guy in one of my tutoring groups has vanished off the face of the earth.  We've been in the same small group for five months now, but I can't say I know him at all.  He's mostly quiet, though when he does speak he always seems better informed than me.  I think I've heard him say three, maybe four full sentences since we first met, and I've never seen him talking to anyone else either.  After easter holiday we were on coursework placements; apparently he showed up for those and submitted the paper, and nobody's seen hide nor hair of him since.  There had been some thought that the volcanic ash might have been keeping him home, but his parents haven't heard from him in weeks.  His father is coming from Mauritius to try and find him, as there's been no luck getting in touch with him through the other people in his halls.

Well, I hope he turns up okay.

worry, life

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