So, if you haven't forgotten me already, I haven't exactly been keeping up with blogs. You'll have to excuse me; my writing energies the past few months have been directed to another project: my screenplay.
So for those of you who aren't in the know, I told myself that before I settled down into the regular 9-5 with the wife and 2.3 kids, that I was going to make a movie. I gave myself five years to complete the project, knowing that I would have to stay in Los Angeles, away from my family in the Bay Area. Now year one is now complete, and my first year objective is accomplished: a working first draft of a screenplay complete.
Just yesterday I printed out one draft: it was 70 pages long and took about 30 minutes to print out. After the printer was finished, I took a moment to hold the draft in my hands. I took my time. I let it sit there in my lap, to let myself feel the weight of a year of work. Reminiscing on all the hours sitting in front of my laptop, reading, meditating, absorbing myself in these characters, and their world. All of a sudden, it all became more real. One step closer to production. I can only imagine what it would feel to hold your dissertation in your hand.
I put the draft in a Manila envelope with an application and a check for $30, and shipped it to the Library of Congress to get it copyrighted. Which basically means I can sue people if they steal my idea. Now I know I've made it big time.
Now year two begins. And to make sure all my readers can call me out on it, here are my objectives for Year 2:
- Have at least one live readthru for feedback
- Create a budget
- Find a director, assistant producer, A/V editor, and other production-like people
- Identify potential primary cast members
- Save $10,000 for personal expenses during production
Here's to my sophomore year. Cheers!