It's that time again, with the nip in the air and the site of lights everywhere, good will and good cheer. And stupid stores and people like myself celebrating the holidays a MONTH before even Thanksgiving. =; TIS THE SEASON, HOBAGS.
instructions )
I was replying to this then got interrupted so just saved it in a text file and then forgot to come back to it ;^__^
I only remembered because I was replying to Layne's and I was like..."hang on a minute! Did I ever finish replying to Meg's?" And obviously I didn't.
Anyway what I said was:
10 - have Venture Tees but they seem to be all mens. But if you wanted one...I'd totally buy that for you. You'd just need to put it on a wishlist because me being in the uk, it'd be pointless having it delivered to me and then me sending it to you.
Alternatively has some Led Zeppelin tees...again most seem designed for men but if you want any of those...oh but remember uses uk sizes...
Let me know either way.
09- I get all my books from the ebooks channel on IRC. They've had everything I've ever looked for. Or at least everything I've ever looked for in English.
Recs - If you can take a little sex in a book with great characters and a great plot then you should read the Kushiel's Legacy series by Jacqueline Carey. It starts with Kushiel's dart.
Also the Anita Blake books...have you read those?
/this is where I got interrupted ;^__^
Oh and The curious incident of the dog in the night time. It's supposed to be written from the point of view of a boy who is autistic and the author manages to pull that off quite well. It's a really good book. it :P
I'm also rereading His Dark Materials so I'm all prepared when the film comes out in December. ;^__^
I've put all those books in a rar file here:
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