vivier BOUGHT MESA A V-GIFT CUPCAKE. <3 It's on my profile now. Thank yooooou. It made my morning :D
Redid my userinfo, now found on my sticky friending post
I wanted to apologize for not replying back to comments yet and deleting several of my entries. D:
spooky_chan's latest journal on DA about her four year anniversary made me realize I'd missed MY four year anniversary, back in September. I started going there in April 2002, joined in 03 and didn't actually use the thing until 2005. So like, Chan, who gave me the idea, here is a trip down memory lane. TRY NOT TO BARF, OLD ART UNDER CUT.
Oh my God, my EYES. Who the hell fav'd this. I wanna offer to pay for their vision exam. This was done in 2005 when I was about 16-almost-17, so I guess I'm excused. D:
Eeeeearly 2006. Zaphod. Notice how now of the colors even blend with each other. NICE.
Late 2006. Um, not bad, but not that great either. I love how lazy I STILL am with my backgrounds.
Early 2007. OH MY GOD. I thought this was so wicked awesome but it is so not.
Recent works from 2007:
What's changed the most (besides practice lulz I need more of that) is that I became more comfortable in my art. I followed other's rules. In my old pictures I was trying to draw like other artists and it was holding me back. And then somehow, something made it okay to use my style. I think it was
Lolita-art that helped me the most, in a way. She has no idea I exist, but she's one of my favorite artists and the cool thing about her art is that she uses a painterly style, but it's not totally realism. And I thought to myself, well, she made up her own rules. Why not me? So I stopped trying to be Marta Dahlig and Daniela Uhlig and Linda Bergkvist and was like, be yourself.
Pretty much the best improvement I've ever had. :)
Anybody wanna share some old art of theirs or stories about your artistic evolution? Talk about your art, I know I love to discuss it.