Feb 22, 2009 10:19
Today I officially started training, and did 3.17 miles, a little 5K just for me! =) I didn't really try to make it 3.1 it just ended up that way!
This was the first time I have been running in a loooong time. Hol and I did a 5K in December, which I did ZERO training for, and nearly killed myself doing it. Today felt much better. For the first 1.5 miles I alternated walking a block and jogging a block. The second 1.5 miles, my body seemed to remember what it was supposed to do, and I jogged nearly all of the 1.5 miles home! At 51 minutes, that puts me at about 16 minute miles. Not too bad for the first time out! I certainly want to get my mile time down before the half, but I think with regular running, that won't be a problem.
I feel awesome, and very accomplished. I was really hoping that this whole training thing wasn't going to suck. I had forgotten what a good run feels like. It was literally like discovering running all over again. I love the way my legs feel, the motion of jogging, the way my hips move. It makes me feel alive.
And now I am excited to run again, and even more excited for the half in May.
What a relief!
(x-posted to sparkpeople)
(p.s. if you have a sparkpeople, and want to friend me on there... my sn is kmae1028!)
half marathon,