Love's Requiem: Chapter Three

Oct 13, 2011 16:28

Title: Love's Requiem
Author: runbabyrun69
Pairing: Ville/OFC
Rating: PG - PG 13, I guess.
Summary: I'm bad with summaries. There's a girl, a boy, and a bunch of Finnish rockers XD
Disclaimer: Still don't know, still don't own, never happened. I only own the original characters.
Warnings: Swearing?
Authors Notes: So, I woke up this morning feeling like absolute crap, all  morning I could barely move and couldn't even keep my breakfast down, so I planned on sleeping all day, but I woke up and saw that nothingreally13 had added a new chapter to her story, and motivated me to put the next chapter up. This one's for you, sweetness :3
I don't know about this chapter; I feel like it's a bit too rushed and sketchy. What does everyone think? Comments = motivation for more chapters!

Previous Chapters:
Chapter One
Chapter Two

Chapter Three

~Jetta's POV~

I scurried around the house, dusting, vacuuming, mopping, sweeping and scrubbing to prepare for my birthday party Jason insisted on hosting later tonight. It would be nice if I had some help I glared in Jason’s general direction. He had been prattling away on his cell phone for the past hour to God only knows who. Whenever Jason had the mind to have a party, I was always the one having to make the house presentable for the company. I didn’t have a job, and spent most of my days at home cleaning anyway, (Jason hates having a messy house) but whenever anyone was to set foot in the house, Jason insisted that I clean all over again. “We can’t have dust on the television, people will judge us,” he’d say. Or “there can’t be any soap scum in the bathroom, people will be disgusted”, “let’s not have those wet, smelly tea towels in the kitchen, put them in the laundry will you?”

I sighed to myself, pushing a stray bit of hair back underneath my purple bandanna. I wore the thing to keep my hair out of my face when I was cleaning, but it never seemed to work like it does in the movies. Those 1960’s housewives never had stray hair flopping into their eyes.
Not that I wanted to be a 1960’s housewife, mind you. I wanted to get a job, even just leave the house more than once a week. Travel, go to concerts, have a night out with my friends. But Jason insisted that women should stay at home and play house while their men were off working, providing for their family.
What family? I grumbled to myself. I wanted children someday, but not with Jason. I knew what it would be like if I got pregnant - he would insist that we get married, move to a house in the suburbs with a white picket fence, a dog, a bird, a goldfish or two, barbecues with the neighbours every Saturday, and me being forever knocked up. I didn’t want to raise a child in that sort of environment. Yes, society keeps telling us that this is how it should be, but I had been in enough foster homes to know that the whole “happy families” thing was just a pretence. No one is ever as happy as they seem.
Aside from the fact that any child raised by Jason would be emotionally damaged for life.

He kept pressuring me into having children, and I eventually told him that we could try... He just didn’t know that I hadn’t stopped taking the pill. As far as he knew, maybe I couldn’t even have kids.
My phone vibrating in my pocket snapped me back to reality. A message from Lisa ‘JOANIE! What’s doing tonight?’

I looked over at Jason, wondering if he would get upset with me if I asked if Lisa could come. Who cares? It’s my birthday party; I should be allowed to invite whoever the hell I want.
I walked across the massive lounge room to where Jason was leaning against a wall, typing on the keypad of his phone. At least he wasn’t talking on it anymore; he doesn’t like it when I interrupt his calls.

“Jase, the cleaning is mostly done,” I mumbled.

He held a hand up to silence me as he finished typing on his phone.

“I’ve finished cleaning. Could I ask a favour of you, Jase?” I wrapped an arm around his waist. He always liked when I willingly showed him affection.

“I suppose so. Make it quick, I need you to make sure there are enough extension cables outside for the bands.”

There are plenty of cables. “Of course. I was just wondering if maybe I could invite Lisa tonight? I know you don’t like her very much, but I haven’t seen her in a while, and it is my birthday after all...” I trailed off and looked down at my scuffed shoes. This was a bad idea.

“Of course you can. You don’t need to ask for my permission to see your friends, you know.”

Wow. That’s news to me. I rolled my eyes to myself, wondering what had put him in such a good mood.

“Uhh, thanks. You seem happy,”

“I just got a call from my boss; they want me to fly to New York next week to do an interview. If it all goes well, I will get a promotion and we’ll be moving back.” I felt my heart sink to the bottom of my stomach as soon as my brain registered what he had said.

“New York? Jason, you know I can’t go back there...”

“Of course you can! We’ll discuss this later; I need to make a phone call. Go, make yourself presentable and check on the stage. The bands should be arriving to set up soon.”

I trudged off without another word, and checked the clock in the kitchen before racing upstairs to shower and get dressed. It was only five and the party wasn’t starting for another three hours but I had no idea when the bands were to be arriving, and I didn’t want to be caught in my tacky cleaning clothes. I quickly pulled out my phone to message Lisa as I jogged up the large staircase.
Before I could make it to the bathroom, the door bell rang, followed by someone knocking a couple of times.

“Jetta-Lynn, answer the door. I’m on the phone,” Jason called from downstairs.

Mumbling under my breath, I swung the front door open to come face to face with five men, wearing all black and carrying large cases, which I assumed to contain instruments.

“Hi, uhh we’re here for the party?”

“Are you one of the bands?” I muttered, staring at the long haired blond fellow standing in front of me.

“Yes,” he mumbled shyly.

“I’ll show you to the stage,” I led the men through the house and out the back door to a small makeshift stage on the patio that Jason had insisted upon getting, trying to ignore the shared whispers between them.

“Here’s the stage, there should be plenty of extension cables lying around if you need them, and there’s a power box around the side. You’ll want to plug the cables in there.” I turned to go back inside and get ready.

“Thank you, sweetheart.” I know that voice...

I turned slowly and came face to face with the man I met in the park yesterday, who was now looking at me with a tiny smirk playing on his lips. What was his name? Vill? Villuh? Getting a proper look at him, I noticed he was a lot taller than I remembered. And thinner. I could almost see all of his ribs through the tight Black Sabbath shirt that clung to his chest, and his legs were like toothpicks decked in leather.

Wait. Is that a clover behind his ear?
“Err... No problem. Please excuse me, if any other bands show up, tell them where the power is and what not. I don’t know who’s performing first, you can all decide that between yourselves. Excuse me.”

I ran inside, up the stairs and locked myself in the bathroom, leaning against the closed door panting.

Oh god, why is he here? Does he know Jason? I started to panic. Jason didn’t like it when I talked to other guys when he wasn’t around. Apparently he didn’t trust me. If anyone in this relationship shouldn’t be trusted, it had to be him. I knew he had plenty of girls on the side. I confronted him about it once, but he simply glared at me and said that if I brought it up again, he would take me back. “I pulled you out of that life, and I can just as easily push you back in.” I never mentioned it again.

I dejectedly stepped into the shower, hoping that the warm water would help to calm me down, but to no avail. I stayed in the shower longer than I should have, dreading the night ahead. I was in no mood to party now, what if this Villuh said something to Jason about yesterday? Sure, our meeting was innocent enough, just two people making clover chains. But Jason wouldn’t see it as that, of course not. He would assume that I was trying to pick up a guy to sleep with on the side, go behind his back when he was working or something. It didn’t matter how many times I told him that I would never do that to him, he still never trusted me.


I sighed. Lisa was here. I quickly got out of the shower and wrapped myself in a towel, opening the door for my friend.
“I’ll bite, who is in my back yard?”

“VILLE FUCKING VALO!” she squealed at me, closing the door behind her.

“Wait, how did you pronounce his name?”

“Ville, the normal way. WHY IS HE IN YOUR YARD?” the girl jumped up and down in front of me, squealing so loud I though her voice box would explode.

“I don’t know, he’s with one of the bands I suppose,”

“Well, duh! He’s Ville Valo! Lead singer of HIM!”


“We’ve been through this, Joanie. The best band in the world.” Lisa rolled her eyes at me.

“Okay, okay. I still don’t understand what the big deal is, though. Yes, there’s a singer in my back yard.”

“Joanie, darling, you don’t get it. Ville. Fucking. Valo. He’s a lyrical genius, my dear! And did you see the pants he’s wearing? I bet he’s going commando.” Lisa leaned back against the bathroom wall, clutching at her heart, a dreamy expression on her face.

“Eww, Lisa, stop having mind sex with him.”

“Did you not look at him? The man is a sex god! Don’t deny it; you’re mind-fucking him right now, too.” She winked at me.

“Sure, he’s not ugly, but I’m not having mind sex with him, you little whore.”

“Oh, poo. The man is gorgeous,”

How could she expect me to admit to that? Of course, I had noticed that he was quite good looking, but that wasn’t the point. Plus, anyone who walks around in skin tight shirts and practically painted on leather pants must just be begging for attention from girls. Well, I wouldn’t give him that attention.

“Okay, sure. Go downstairs, I have to get dressed.” I pushed Lisa out the bathroom door, locking it behind me.


~Ville POV~

“Evening, fellas! Glad you could make it.” I flinched as the asshole interviewer slapped a hand against my shoulder a couple of times in greeting.

“Thanks for inviting us to perform,” I raised an eyebrow at Gas as he spoke, wondering how he could possibly be so polite to this arrogant fuck. “We haven’t played at a house party for a while, it’s just like the old days in the garage, eh boys?” he smiled at the group of men we were with.

“Well, there’s plenty of beer in the fridges outside, and premixed drinks in the kitchen; you boys can help yourselves to whatever you like.” I glared at his back as he sauntered away in search for more people to annoy, I assumed.

“Wow, Ville... If looks could kill...” Zoltan raised an eyebrow quizzically at me

“What? The guy’s an asshole.” I muttered.

“He interviewed us earlier. I don’t think our little singer here likes him very much,” Mige explained as he ruffled my hair.

“Fuck off, Mige, he was completely stuck up when we met him this morning, and he doesn’t seem to be any different now.” I complained as I swatted his hand away.

“This opinion you have of him, it couldn’t possibly be influence by the fact that you have the hots for his girlfriend, could it?”

Directing my glaring eyes toward Mige I snapped “Of course not!” before stalking off to find a drink.
As I pulled a beer from one of the many bar fridges occupying the patio, Jetta-Lynn danced through the back door, hand in hand with a red-haired girl.
She was just as beautiful as she had been when I first met her; wearing a knee length dark blue dress adorned with little sparkles on the bodice, and lace stockings. Her hair loosely curled over her shoulders, held out of her face with tiny shimmering clips.
As I was taking in Jetta’s appearance, her red-haired companion whispered in her ear, giggling profusely as she began to lead her in my direction.

“Good evening, Ladies. It’s nice to see you again Jetta.” I tipped my head slightly in greeting.

“Hello, Ville.” Jetta mumbled, looking anywhere but at me.

“Woah, fuck. You’ve met him before?” the Jetta’s friend screeched.

“I guess so, yeah.”

Her friend quickly whispered in Jetta’s ear again, before turning to face me.

“So, Joanie, since you two have already met, how about giving us a proper introduction.”

“Sure,” Jetta rolled her eyes. “Lisa, this is Ville. Ville, this is my friend Lisa.”

Before either of us could say anything, the asshole came storming towards us and grabbed Jetta’s arm, dragging her to the other side of the large yard.

“Ville, be my alibi when I kill him?”

“Lisa, I will help you slaughter the fucker.”

She grinned up at me before declaring us to be “best friends, forever.”

love's requiem, ville valo, ville, ville/oc, ville/ofc

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