Apr 16, 2003 18:53
welll as of right now robby and i aren't talking. we want our space. i'm not allowed to date john harden or brian post. brian is not problem (just a walking STD) however, john is being incredibly nice. it's really strange, maybe he just knows what i want to hear. i'm also thinking he doesn't know me well enough. egh i don't feel like i can trust him. he's also got the rep of being dirty. and robby is taking jessica to prom. this makes me want to cry so if you go give them a mean dirty look!! (sorry if thats mean)
NOW onto what i really wanted to talk about in round 2.... GA Southern Vs. Emory at Oxford
so hapy day i made the GA southern cheereading squad; not so happy day: now i still have to choose. to be honest, i think i want to go to oxford. i hav no clue what i want to do with the rest of my life, but know i want it to be fulfilling. GSU is just going to make me cheer all year long and when i have free ime i'm gonna meet new ppl not study. i would get such a good education at oxford, plus the ppl there would be smarter and more geared to studying making it easier to get me to studying. the teachers would be better and they'd be more helpful with what i want to do in life. did i mention i would get to go to this $23,000 school for free? hmm i'll get a job coaching cheerleading somewhere i'm eventally going to have to say goodbye to it soner or later.