I dont know whats going on but I now ship Axel/Roxas/Ice-Cream.

Mar 19, 2010 11:41

I gave in and preordered a copy Pokemon SoulSilver a few days ago (Nintendo may have won the battle but they havent won the war) and its supposed to be out on March 25 and it feels like its forever away so I started playing that Kingdom Hearts game for the NDS. 300something days and a half or something.

Now I dont know jack shit about Kingdom Hearts except it has something to do with Final Fantasy and everyones really really gay. So Ive been playing that for about a day now and I dont know quite whats going on but its made me lol, is full of SO MUCH POTENTIAL YAOI and has kept me absorbed to it for well over an hour without breaks so Ive decided I like it.
Though the missions where you have to go with other characters is really pissing me off because they keep fighting the enemies for me and getting in the god damn way when they explicitly said beforehand that I am the only one with the weapon thingy that can properly get the "hearts" from these enemies and they want me to kill the enemies BUT I CANT KILL THE ENEMIES IF YOU KEEP BARGING INTO THE FIGHTS GUYS.
What Im not looking forward to is when Mickey Mouse and Donald Duck etc show up as Im assuming they will which is just really fucking weird and will most likely kill the whole thing.  o____O

slash pairing in progress, pokemons, wut is this i dont even

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